(1)2020年,受新冠疫情的影响,全球工业生产排放的温室气体比2019年 (填“上升”或“下降”)。
(2)秸秆在隔绝空气的条件下受热分解生成H2、CH4和CO等气体,则秸秆中一定含有的元素有 ;煤炭燃烧时排放出NO2、等气体,在空气中会形成酸雨。
(3)由液化石油气(主要成分为C3H8)改为压缩天然气(主要成分为CH4)时,燃气报警器应安装在灶具的 (填“上方”或“下方”);写出CH4完全燃烧的化学方程式:。
(4)为实现我国“2030年前碳达峰,2060年前碳中和”的目标,你认为能源综合利用的趋势是 。
Dogs are the best pets of humans. They come in all sizes. Some dogs are as small as a football, and others are as tall as a desk. Dogs’ fur (毛) is different, too. It can be long and soft, or smooth and hard. People don’t mind the kind of fur, because all dogs are good to hug.
我喜欢甜食, 你知道的。
去年, 彼得在旅途中和许多人交了朋友。
我叫托尼· 史密斯, 史密斯是我的姓。
Tea and coffee are two of the most popular drinks in the world. However, people usually like one more than the other. These drinks also have very different uses.
People in the office usually sit for most of the day when they work. But this is bad for a person’s health. When people sit for too long every day, they don’t move very much. So it is easy to start getting fat. Sitting too long is also bad for their work because it makes them want to sleep. When this happens, people may make more mistakes in their work or spend more time finishing their work. Companies need workers to be healthy, so how do they fix the problem?