在项目实施的过程中,项目经理通过项目周报中的项目进度分析图表发现机房施工进度有延期风险。项目经理立即组织相关人员进行分析,下达了关于改进措施的书面指令。该指令属于( )
The IT service manager resigns from a project that meets the scheduleand budget. After hiring an alternativenew manager, the team is opposed to the comments from the new manager. The team is at () developmentstages。
()is closet to Deming's definition of Quality。
The IT service manager has learned that a software canimprove the efficiency of current and future project tasks. Because the software is fresh to the Company. Theengineer is not familiar with the software. The lT service manager decides to send the highest level engineero attend the external training course. The proiect manager uses () risk strategies。
The process control charts are used ()。