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张军打算周六出去游玩,查找资料后发现: (1)如果去动物园,就不能去植物园: (2)植物园和科技馆只能择其一; (3)科技馆和植物园不都去游玩,实际上,周六当天张军的行程没有符合上述任何一条,那么他所游玩的地方,说法正确的是()。
班主任询问小明、小军和小亮三人谁先到的教室。小明说:小军第二个到的,小亮第三个到的。小亮说:“小明第三个到的,小军第一一个到的。” 小军说:“小明第一个到的,小亮第三个到的"。己知三个人每人都只说对了一半。那么,到教室的顺序是: ( )。
一下哪项除外,都能减轻李明对绿植的担心? ()
甲和乙都是财务部员工,他们发现,部门里每一个人或者喜欢唱歌,或者喜欢跳舞,王晶喜欢唱歌,周敏不喜欢跳舞,就此可知,以下命题中正确的是( )。
(1)周敏喜欢唱歌(2) 王晶晶不喜欢跳舞,(3) 财务部成员中不喜欢跳舞的人喜欢唱歌,
I never ( ) him to change the habits he had developed in morethan ten years in such a short time.
In front of tens of thousands of audience,ti is normal for these youngchildren to show () of tension, but I believe they will succeed.
In view of his good manner in admitting mistake, mother finallydecided to (我) his off this time.
The problem is_ ( ) as difficult as you think,so we don't haveto be pessimistic ,just take it more carefully .
Even though they are young,these students are equal in knowledge to,if not more deep than,( ) at the other university .
Clean and tidy clothes , in line with the temperament is good,so doesthis one give you good ( ) for your money ?
A great deal has been done internally to. ( ) the situation.
In the sky,the helicopter tumed at an() angle before righting itself.
The manager said nothing to the ( ), in addition to asking usto do more word every day。
It has always been our company's ( ) to encourage employeesto use their talents and create more wealth.
It is a bad () for a student to gossip about others behind theirbacks。
The point of regular exercise is to make your heart stronger,it( ) more blood than the average person,and it beats more slowly and thus lives longer .
The country has an aging population and asevere ( ) of youngworkers.
Though had seen him only once,I caught a ( ) of him in the crowd .
In view of your past performance, I can't ( ) you with this veryimportant project.