

卷面总分:249分 答题时间:240分钟 试卷题量:249题 练习次数:98次
单选题 (共224题,共224分)

根据《中华人民共和国公司法》,公司解散后,有限责任公司的清算组由(  )组成。

  • A. 董事
  • B. 股东
  • C. 公司股东会确定的人员
  • D. 董事和股东
标记 纠错

如果中国政府在美国纽约发行一笔美元债券,则该笔债券属于(  )的范畴

  • A. 外国债券
  • B. 猛犬债券
  • C. 武士债券
  • D. 欧洲债券
标记 纠错

在现代经济社会中,各国政府都具有宏观调控职能,一般通过货币政策、财政政策和对外经济政策以调节社会总供给与总需求均衡。被称为社会经济活动“内在稳定器”的是(  )。

  • A. 货币政策
  • B. 财政政策
  • C. 产业政策
  • D. 投资政策
标记 纠错

Much__________I have traveled, I have never seen anyone to equal her in efficiency.

  • A. although
  • B. as
  • C. while
  • D. if
标记 纠错

He is neither __________European, nor __________ American. He is from__________Australia.

  • A. a; a;!
  • B. a; an; the
  • C. a; an; !
  • D. an; an; !
标记 纠错

This hotel __________ $60 for a single room with bath.

  • A. claims
  • B. demands
  • C. prices
  • D. charges
标记 纠错

银行业监督管理机构查询涉嫌金融违法的银行业金融机构及其工作人员以及关联行为人的账户必须经(  )批准。

  • A. 国务院银行业监督管理机构或者其省一级派出机构负责人
  • B. 国务院银行业监督管理机构或者银监会市一级以上派出机构负责人
  • C. 地方政府
  • D. 当地公安部门
标记 纠错

根据管理方格理论,“乡村俱乐部”领导风格的特点是(  )。

  • A. 管理者既不关心任务,也不关心人
  • B. 管理者既关心任务,也关心人
  • C. 管理者极端关注人
  • D. 管理者极端关注任务
标记 纠错

菲利普斯曲线说明了货币政策之间存在矛盾的是(  )。

  • A. 经济增长与充分就业
  • B. 经济增长与稳定物价
  • C. 稳定物价与充分就业
  • D. 经济增长与国际收支平衡
标记 纠错

能够导致某种商品的需求曲线发生位移的因素是(  )。

  • A. 该商品自身的价格
  • B. 该商品的成本
  • C. 该商品的税率
  • D. 消费者偏好
标记 纠错

通常情况下,生产者通过提高某产品单位销售价格而增加其销售收入的前提条件是该产品的(  )。

  • A. 需求价格弹性大于1
  • B. 需求收入弹性大于1
  • C. 需求收入弹性小于1
  • D. 需求价格弹性小于1
标记 纠错

下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(  )。

  • A. 铁道部春运办预计春节后第二个客流高峰将在元宵节后,即2月17日至2月19日出现,高峰日发送旅客将不低于400万人次左右。
  • B. 天安门城楼的这次修缮方案是经过许多专家反复论证,一直筹备酝酿了三四年的时间。
  • C. 美国纽约州州长帕特基和纽约市市长布隆伯格2月7日宣布将启动纽约州市两级应急计划,以确保纽约居民免受恐怖分子的侵害。
  • D. 规划中的民族大道西段延长线拆迁范围包括江滨路、当阳路、兴宁路、民族大道等的部分建筑将被拆除。
标记 纠错

1,1995,1994,1,1993,1992,…,从第三个数起,每个数都是它前面两个数中大数减小数的差。则这列数中前1995个数的和是(  )。

  • A. 1769565
  • B. 1770225
  • C. 1770230
  • D. 1769566
标记 纠错

全家4口人,父亲比母亲大3岁,姐姐比弟弟大2岁。四年前他们全家的年龄和为58岁,而现在是73岁。问现在父亲、母亲的年龄是多少?(  )

  • A. 32.29
  • B. 34,31
  • C. 35,32
  • D. 36,33
标记 纠错






则这一天是星期几?(  )

  • A. 星期一
  • B. 星期二
  • C. 星期三
  • D. 星期四
标记 纠错

What type of experience is NOT listed as a requirement for the job?

  • A. Word processing
  • B. Landscape design
  • C. Customer service
  • D. Marketing
标记 纠错

What is NOT mentioned as an advantage of the new insulation?

  • A. It reduces heating bills
  • B. It functions well in humid areas
  • C. It costs less than other insulations
  • D. It does not contain unsafe chemicals
标记 纠错

According to the article, how can people learn more about the insulation?

  • A. By contacting their heating company
  • B. By attending a presentation
  • C. By calling Rase Chemical Corporation
  • D. By e-mailing Bernard Cho
标记 纠错

在下述各种企业制度中,(  )属于法人企业。

  • A. 业主制
  • B. 合伙制
  • C. 合作制
  • D. 公司制
标记 纠错

第43届世界经济论坛年会的主题是(  )。

  • A. 大转型:塑造新模式
  • B. 合作创新的力量
  • C. 为持久发展注入活力
  • D. 为艰难抉择承担责任
标记 纠错

第21次亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议的主题是(  )。

  • A. 活力亚太,全球引擎
  • B. 贸易目标可持续和公平增长
  • C. 融合谋发展.创新促繁荣
  • D. 亚太互联互通
标记 纠错

观察给定的几个图,寻找它们的规律,问号处应该填入的图为(  )。


  • A. 见图A
  • B. 见图B
  • C. 见图C
  • D. 见图D
标记 纠错

把黑桃、红桃、方块、梅花四种花色的扑克牌按黑桃10张、红桃9张、方块7张、梅花5张的顺序循环排列。问第2015张扑克牌是什么花色?(  )

  • A. 黑桃
  • B. 红桃
  • C. 梅花
  • D. 方块
标记 纠错

一列数,前3个是1,9,9,以后每个都是它前面相邻3个数字之和除以3所得的余数,这列数中的第1999个数是几?(  )

  • A. 9
  • B. 0
  • C. 1
  • D. 2
标记 纠错

1005×10061006-1006×10051005=(  )

  • A. 0
  • B. 100
  • C. 1000
  • D. 10000
标记 纠错

Because of the current shortage of labor in the manufacturing sector, we suggest the staff be given__________pay raises.

  • A. substance
  • B. substantial
  • C. substantially
  • D. substantiate
标记 纠错

__________all of us who are here tonight, I would like thank Mr.Brown for his talk.

  • A. On behalf of
  • B. On account of
  • C. In honor of
  • D. In terms of
标记 纠错

After__________ requests by local residents, the private library was opened to the public.

  • A. repeated
  • B. repeatedly
  • C. repetition
  • D. repeating
标记 纠错

The __________ that Bright Star Print offers to long-term employees help the company to attract the best production workers in the textile industry.

  • A. controls
  • B. interests
  • C. benefits
  • D. forces
标记 纠错

__________coal, the most important natural fuels are the gas and oil.

  • A. Except for
  • B. Except
  • C. Beside
  • D. Apart from
标记 纠错

When the copying process is__________ , a small "Done" window appears on the computer screen.

  • A. entire
  • B. total
  • C. complete
  • D. whole
标记 纠错

Any employee working late on a Friday must remember to turn off all computer equip-ment __________leaving for the night.

  • A. then
  • B. until
  • C. before
  • D. because
标记 纠错


The successful applicant for the__________in the Logistics Department will possess supe- rior organizational skills.

  • A. openly
  • B. opener
  • C. opened
  • D. opening
标记 纠错


_________ MS. Jahan is new to the hospitality industry, she recently won a prestigious cus-tomer service award.

  • A. Even
  • B. Although
  • C. For
  • D. Whenever
标记 纠错

左边给定的是纸盒的外表面,下面哪一项不能由它折叠而成?(  )。


  • A. 见图A
  • B. 见图B
  • C. 见图C
  • D. 见图D
标记 纠错

观察给定的几个图,寻找它们的规律,问号处应该填人的图为(  )。


  • A. 见图A
  • B. 见图B
  • C. 见图C
  • D. 见图D
标记 纠错

2,1,-1,1,12,(  )

  • A. 26
  • B. 37
  • C. 19
  • D. 48
标记 纠错

下列四个选项中,哪个可以折出左边指定的图形?(  )。


  • A. 见图A
  • B. 见图B
  • C. 见图C
  • D. 见图D
标记 纠错

-9,9,6,9,11,(  )

  • A. 13
  • B. 14
  • C. 22
  • D. 23
标记 纠错


根据以上陈述,可知下述哪项为真?(  )

  • A. 四个人的职业都能确定
  • B. 四人中有三个人的职业能确定
  • C. 四人中有两个人的职业能确定
  • D. 四个人的职业都不能确定
标记 纠错


那么,具体名次应该是(  )。

  • A. 小华第一、小钟第二、小任第三、小闽第四、小宫第五
  • B. 小闽第一、小任第二、小华第三、小宫第四、小钟第五
  • C. 小任第一、小华第二、小钟第三、小宫第四、小闽第五
  • D. 小任第一、小闽第二、小钟第三、小宫第四、小华第五
标记 纠错


  • A. 见图A
  • B. 见图B
  • C. 见图C
  • D. 见图D
标记 纠错

2,8,24,64,(  )

  • A. 160
  • B. 512
  • C. 124
  • D. 164
标记 纠错






下面哪一选项正确地描述了每个人的身份?(  )

  • A. 甲是歌唱家,乙是作家,丙是画家,丁是舞蹈家
  • B. 甲是舞蹈家,乙是歌唱家,丙是作家,丁是画家
  • C. 甲是画家,乙是舞蹈家,丙是歌唱家,丁是作家
  • D. 甲是作家,乙是画家,丙是舞蹈家,丁是歌唱家
标记 纠错

8,6,6,10,20,(  )

  • A. 30
  • B. 34
  • C. 38
  • D. 42
标记 纠错


  • A. 见图A
  • B. 见图B
  • C. 见图C
  • D. 见图D
标记 纠错


  • A. 见图A
  • B. 见图B
  • C. 见图C
  • D. 见图D
标记 纠错





根据以上条件,今天是星期几?(  )

  • A. 星期一
  • B. 星期二
  • C. 星期四
  • D. 星期天
标记 纠错

某公司有两个会议室,甲会议室可容纳10人,乙会议室可容纳5人。本季度内。两会议室共被使用了35次,共200人参加会议,且每次座无虚席。那么,本季度内,乙会议室共举办了(  )次会议。

  • A. 5
  • B. 15
  • C. 18
  • D. 30
标记 纠错

某企业有甲、乙、丙3种产品,购买3个甲产品,7个乙产品和1个丙产品共需32元。购买4个甲产品,10个乙产品和1个丙产品共需43元,那么若购买甲乙丙产品各1个,共需(  )元。

  • A. 15
  • B. 13
  • C. 20
  • D. 10
标记 纠错

某公司有甲、乙两个销售团队,共50人,其中女性员工有18人。甲团队男女比例为5:3,乙团队男女比例为2:1,那么,乙团队的男性员工共有(  )名。

  • A. 18
  • B. 20
  • C. 12
  • D. 9
标记 纠错

电视台要播放一部30集电视连续剧,如果要求每天安排播出的集数互不相等,该电视剧最多可以播放(  )天。

  • A. 10
  • B. 9
  • C. 8
  • D. 7
标记 纠错

某个体商贩在一次买卖中,同时卖出两件上衣,售价都是l35元,若按成本计,其中一件盈利25%,另一件亏本25%,在这次买卖中他(  )。

  • A. 赔18元
  • B. 赚9元
  • C. 赚18元
  • D. 不赚不赔
标记 纠错

某公司为客户出售货物,收取3%的服务费;代客户购置设备,收取2%的服务费。某客户委托该公司出售自产的某物品并代为购置新设备,已知公司共收取该客户服务费200元,客户收支恰好平衡,请问自产的物品售价是多少元?(  )

  • A. 3920
  • B. 4080
  • C. 3660
  • D. 3380
标记 纠错

李大爷在马路边散步,路边均匀地栽着一行树,李大爷从第1棵树走到第15棵树共用了7分钟,李大爷又向前走了几棵树后就往回走,当他回到第5棵树时共用了30分钟。请问李大爷步行到第几棵树时就开始往回走?(  )

  • A. 第37棵
  • B. 第38棵
  • C. 第33棵
  • D. 第32棵
标记 纠错

A、B、C、D、E五支篮球队相互进行循环赛,现已知A队已赛过4场,B队已赛过3场,C队已赛过2场,D队已赛过l场,则此时E队已赛过(  )场。

  • A. 12
  • B. 3
  • C. 1
  • D. 4
标记 纠错

A、B两地以一条公路相连。甲车从A地,乙车从B地以不同的速度沿公路匀速相向开出。两车相遇后分别掉头,并以对方的速度行进。甲车返回A地后又一次掉头以同样的速度沿公路向B地开动。最后甲、乙两车同时到达B地。如果最开始时甲车的速度为x米/秒,则最开始时乙车的速度为(  )。

  • A. 缸米/秒
  • B. 2x米/秒
  • C. 0.5x米/秒
  • D. 无法计算
标记 纠错

甲每5天向总经理汇报一次工作,乙每9天汇报一次工作,丙每l2天汇报一次工作。某天三人同时向总经理汇报工作,那么,3人下次同时汇报工作至少要(  )天。

  • A. 60
  • B. 180
  • C. 45
  • D. 360
标记 纠错


根据上述定义。下列选项中不属于顺从型互动的是(  )。

  • A. 小文对新来的家教老师不满意,但想到父母的苦心和已缴的学费,还是开始了家教课程
  • B. 护士阿姨一边说“不哭啊,一点都不疼”,一边在毛毛的手臂上注射,毛毛果然没哭
  • C. 小刘的业务能力有目共睹,连素来挑剔的老主任也赞成选小刘为业务主管
  • D. 很多投资者寻找项目时什么热就投资什么,股票热时炒股票,翡翠热时炒翡翠
标记 纠错

下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(  )。

  • A. 作为消费者,你是否想过,正是某些畸形的消费需求刺激了商业经营对生态的污染和破坏 从这个意义上说,消费者既是受害者,又是自己的加害者。
  • B. “9·11事件”后,美国、印度、巴基斯坦三国关系进入微妙阶段。尽管美、印、巴关系何其暖昧,但美国与印度正走向军事合作的态势已相当明朗。
  • C. 在全球经济衰退的情况下,我国的对外贸易进出口依然保持持续增长的势头,今年全年进出口总额与去年同期相比,同比增长7.5%。
  • D. 最近一段时间,中科院以及北大、清华等学府纷纷出台自己的学术戒律,力图在学术腐败成风的情况下,廓清弥漫在学术及科研领域的道德。
标记 纠错






是一粒平凡的种子。把上面几个句子组成语意连贯的一段文字,排序正确的一项是(  )。

  • A. ①⑤②③④
  • B. ①③②⑤④
  • C. ⑤③④②①
  • D. ⑤④②③①
标记 纠错






将以上5个句子重新排列,语序正确的是(  )。

  • A. ①⑤④③②
  • B. ①⑤④②③
  • C. ④⑧②①⑤
  • D. ④③①⑤②
标记 纠错

下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(  )。

  • A. 受“非典”影响,这个厂的利税较去年下降了2倍。
  • B. 商店公然出售盗版软件,对这种践踏出版法的行为。我们必须严厉打击。
  • C. 文学作品的魅力在于它剥夺了读者的现实感,赋予读者一种可供体验的情绪内容,使读者付出心甘情愿的感情代价。
  • D. 他是一个始终保持清廉的官员.那为妻子看病而背负的将近八万余元的债务也没有让他对送到眼前的巨款动心。
标记 纠错


填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是(  )。

  • A. 可圈可点萧瑟
  • B. 生机盎然冷清
  • C. 苟延残喘萧条
  • D. 差强人意冷淡
标记 纠错

依次填入下列各句括号内的词语,与句意最贴切的一组是(  )。

①市场人士认为,欧债危机前景尚不明朗,预期欧元走势(  )。

②让更多普通人去参与,去(  ),去成为舞台的主角,秉持这样的理念,深圳大运会做到了“不一样的精彩”。

  • A. 重复创作
  • B. 反复创造
  • C. 反复创作
  • D. 重复创造
标记 纠错


这段文字意在说明(  )。

  • A. 人们容易对美的东西产生真情
  • B. 感情既是个人的。又是社会的
  • C. 充分体现了个人意志的情感才是真挚的
  • D. 人们之间的感情是隐秘的.不易传达
标记 纠错


上述这段文字支持的观点是(  )。

  • A. 我国卫生资源供需配置不和谐
  • B. “小病进社区,大病进医院”是一种新型的就医模式
  • C. “小病进社区,大病进医院”是一种可行的就医模式
  • D. “小病进社区,大病进医院”是一种新型、可行的就医模式
标记 纠错


根据上述定义,下列现象中可用签名效应解释的是(  )。

  • A. 快递公司坚持“先签字后验货”的做法
  • B. 采取实名捐款的办法能够募捐到更多善款
  • C. 中介公司要求租客在看房前签订《看房协议书》
  • D. 手术前,患者被要求在《知情同意书》上签字
标记 纠错

下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(  )。

  • A. 福建省计划实现全省自考考籍的电子化管理,同时加强网站建设,为自学考试者提供方便快捷的“一站式”信息服务。
  • B. 2月5日.美国国务卿鲍威尔向联合国安理会提供了伊拉克特委会如何按萨达姆的指示监视联合国武器核查人员。
  • C. 一片新生的松林围着一间护林人小屋,它们就坐落在美丽的金鸡山南坡。
  • D. 如果美术工作者看不到儿童自身发展的主动性,过早地让他们接受专业绘画知识,那么就会变成束缚儿童发展的枷锁。
标记 纠错


根据上述定义,下列选项中属于工具性求助的是(  )。

  • A. 妈妈为五岁的小明报了很多兴趣班,小明在兴趣班中结识了许多新朋友
  • B. 家教老师耐心讲解了这道题的思路和原理后。小斌还是请老师直接给出答案
  • C. 综合了多家咨询机构提供的意见,小峰拟定了符合自身条件的出国学习规划
  • D. 小文每次阅读英语文章遇到生词时都会查阅电子词典,掌握生词的读音和意思
标记 纠错


对这段文字概括最恰当的是(  )。

  • A. 股票发源于19世纪洋务运动时期
  • B. 股票的发源地是中国
  • C. 股票在中国历史的各个时期都存在
  • D. 股票在近代中国有一段辉煌的历史
标记 纠错


与这段文字文意相符的是(  )。

  • A. 进化不是有利变异在自然选择作用中固定积累的结果.而是中性突变的结果
  • B. 蛋白质和核酸水平的突变构成了新种
  • C. 中性突变学说反对进化理论和达尔文学说
  • D. 中性突变学说和达尔文进化学说都是进化理论
标记 纠错







将以上句子重新排列组合,最连贯的一组是(  )。

  • A. ⑤⑥②④①③
  • B. ①③⑥②⑤④
  • C. ⑤①③⑥②④
  • D. ⑥④②⑤①③
标记 纠错


根据上述定义,下列选项中不涉及抽样误差的是(  )。

  • A. 调查员因为粗心、疏忽等原因将样本数据登记错误
  • B. 通过随机拨打电话了解大众对某品牌洗发水的忠诚度
  • C. 要了解某班学生数学水平.将他们的数学期中考试成绩进行统计分析
  • D. 要调查全国城市居民婚姻满意度,选取北京200名已婚者作为调查对象
标记 纠错







将以上6个句子重新排列,语序正确的是(  )。

  • A. ③②①⑤⑥④
  • B. ①⑤③②⑥④
  • C. ③②④⑥①⑤
  • D. ①⑤⑥④③②
标记 纠错

依次填入下列各句括号内的词语,与句意最贴切的一组是(  )。

①爱国主义是一种严肃的爱,看似飘渺,却真实地(  )着我们的喜怒哀乐。

②企业的管理层要不断地(  )德才兼备的年轻人,培养其中的优秀者。

  • A. 拨动接纳
  • B. 触动吸纳
  • C. 触动接纳
  • D. 拨动吸纳
标记 纠错


填人划横线部分最恰当的一项是(  )。

  • A. 表里不一呼唤
  • B. 隔靴挠痒声音
  • C. 虚有其表心跳
  • D. 纸上谈兵音响
标记 纠错

观察给定的几组数字.寻找它们的规律,问号处应该填入的数字为(  )。


  • A. 4
  • B. 8
  • C. 16
  • D. 24
标记 纠错

已知a*b=a2+2a-5,那么13×(6×11)+3的结果是多少?(  )

  • A. 215
  • B. 273
  • C. 318
  • D. 385
标记 纠错

有33个偶数的平均数,保留一位小数时是5.8,保留两位小数时该平均数最小是(  )。

  • A. 5.76
  • B. 5.75
  • C. 5.78
  • D. 5.82
标记 纠错







2011年北京地区贸易逆差额为(  )亿美元。

  • A. 2718.2
  • B. 2887.0
  • C. 2973.2
  • D. 3021.4
标记 纠错

2012年全国文化产品进口额为(  )亿美元。

  • A. 18.4
  • B. 15.3
  • C. 14.7
  • D. 23.4
标记 纠错

2011年北京地区原油进口额占总进口额的比重为(  )。

  • A. 38.3%
  • B. 45.0%
  • C. 48.6%
  • D. 38.9%
标记 纠错

2012年北京地区机电产品进出口总额约为高新技术的产品的(  )倍。

  • A. 1.5
  • B. 1.8
  • C. 2.6
  • D. 2.2
标记 纠错

下列表述中,正确的是(  )。

  • A. 2011年北京地区外贸进出El规模低于4000亿美元
  • B. 2011年美国是北京地区第一大贸易伙伴
  • C. 2012年北京地区与日本的双边贸易额同比下降超过50亿美元
  • D. 2011年北京地区与前10大贸易伙伴中的5个进出口整体实现同比正增长
标记 纠错




2012年第一季度上海城市居民家庭人均可支配收入增幅同比提高了0.4个百分点。则2010年第一季度上海城市居民家庭可支配收入为(  )元。

  • A. 10028
  • B. 8929
  • C. 1273
  • D. 1233
标记 纠错

关于2012年第一季度部分城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入的增长情况.下列说法正确的是(  )。

  • A. 上海市2011年第一季度城市居民家庭人均可支配收入不足l0000元
  • B. 2012年第一季度与上年同期相比,杭州市居民家庭可支配收入增长量最大
  • C. 2012年第一季度与上年同期相比,上海市居民家庭可支配收入增长量最大,超过1500元
  • D. 2012年第一季度与上年同期相比。深圳市居民家庭可支配收入增长量最大
标记 纠错

2012年第一季度与上年同期相比,上述八个城市中城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入增长量低于全国城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入增长量的城市有(  )个。

  • A. 1
  • B. 2
  • C. 3
  • D. 4
标记 纠错

2012年第一季度,上海市城市居民家庭人均可支配收入增长中,转移性收入增长所占比重为(  )。

  • A. 2.8%
  • B. 11.6%
  • C. 12.4%
  • D. 22.1%
标记 纠错

2012年第一季度与上年同期相比。上海市城市居民家庭人均可支配收入中工资性收入的比重(  )个百分点。

  • A. 降低了9.2
  • B. 提高了9.2
  • C. 降低了0.4
  • D. 提高了0.4
标记 纠错






根据数据可知,房地产市场中比重最大的是(  )。

  • A. 商业营业用房
  • B. 办公楼市场
  • C. 难以确定
  • D. 住宅市场
标记 纠错

2012年1~10月,房地产开发企业资金的主要来源是(  )。

  • A. 国内贷款、个人按揭贷款
  • B. 外资、国内贷款
  • C. 自筹资金、外资
  • D. 定金及预收款、自筹资金
标记 纠错

2012年1~10月.东部地区住宅投资额度占全国住宅投资额度的比重是(  )。

  • A. 56.4%
  • B. 38.9%
  • C. 60.3%
  • D. 50.5%
标记 纠错

2012年1.10月,按全国销售面积计算,全国房屋销售平均价格为(  )元。

  • A. 4446
  • B. 7270
  • C. 4632
  • D. 5880
标记 纠错

2012年1~10月,住宅方面的房地产投资同比增长速度从高到低依次是(  )。

  • A. 中部地区西部地区东部地区
  • B. 东部地区西部地区中部地区
  • C. 西部地区东部地区中部地区
  • D. 中部地区东部地区西部地区
标记 纠错

下列各项中,属于所有者权益类科目的是(  )。

  • A. 应付股利
  • B. 主营业务收入
  • C. 长期股权投资
  • D. 本年利润
标记 纠错

担保物权人在其全部债权受清偿前,可以就担保物的全部行使权利,这体现的是担保物权法律属性中的(  )。

  • A. 变价受偿性
  • B. 物上代位性
  • C. 不可分性
  • D. 从属性
标记 纠错

剑桥方程式从用货币形式保有资产存量的角度研究货币需求,重视存量货币占收入的比例,又被称为(  )。

  • A. 现金交易说
  • B. 现金余额说
  • C. 国际借贷说
  • D. 流动性偏好说
标记 纠错

我国小额贷款公司的主要资金来源是股东缴纳的资本金、来自少数银行的融人资金以及(  )。

  • A. 公众存款
  • B. 政府出资
  • C. 发行债券
  • D. 捐赠资金
标记 纠错

根据我国2013年1月1日施行的《商业银行资本管理办法(试行)》,我国商业银行的核心一级资本充足率不得低于(  )。

  • A. 8%
  • B. 6%
  • C. 5%
  • D. 2.5%
标记 纠错

一国的外汇储备最稳定和可靠的来源是(  )。

  • A. 中央银行干预外汇市场收进的外汇
  • B. 政府或中央银行向国外借款
  • C. 资本与金融项目收支顺差
  • D. 经常项目收支顺差
标记 纠错

“领导者具有某些固定特质且这些特质是与生俱来的”,该观点出自(  )。

  • A. 交易型和改变型领导理论
  • B. 特质理论
  • C. 魅力型领导理论
  • D. 路径一目标理论
标记 纠错

职能制组织在(  )环境中效果最好。

  • A. 简单/静态
  • B. 复杂/静态
  • C. 简单/动态
  • D. 复杂/动态
标记 纠错

在分析消费者行为时,无差异曲线的形状是由(  )决定的。

  • A. 消费者偏好
  • B. 消费者收入
  • C. 所购买的商品价格
  • D. 相关商品的价格
标记 纠错

在金融衍生品工具中,远期合同的最大功能是(  )。

  • A. 价格发现
  • B. 提高效率
  • C. 转嫁风险
  • D. 增加盈利
标记 纠错

为构建积极的外汇储备管理模式和机制,我国成立了具有(  )性质的中国投资公司,将部分外汇储备由其运作和管理。

  • A. 国资委
  • B. 开放式基金
  • C. 主权财富基金
  • D. 封闭式基金
标记 纠错

下列变量中,属于中央银行货币政策远期中介目标的是(  )。

  • A. 超额准备金
  • B. 货币供应量
  • C. 法定存款准备金
  • D. 国际收支
标记 纠错

假设一定时期内消费者的个人收入增加了20%,由此导致消费者对某商品的需求下降了12%,这在一定程度上可以说明该商品属于(  )。

  • A. 高档品
  • B. 边际商品
  • C. 低档品
  • D. 必需品
标记 纠错

2013年中央一号文件概括当年农业农村的工作目标是(  )。

  • A. 鼓励和支持承包土地向专业大户流转
  • B. 保供增收惠民生、改革创新添活力
  • C. 扶持专业大户、龙头企业的发展
  • D. 扶持家庭农场
标记 纠错

2012年9月29日,由中国自主设计建造、目前中国最先进的海洋科学综合考察船——“科学”号在(  )正式交付使用。

  • A. 威海
  • B. 天津
  • C. 青岛
  • D. 秦皇岛
标记 纠错

2013年9月12日,国务院发布《大气污染防治行动计划》提出,到2017年,全国地级及以上城市可吸入颗粒物浓度比2012年下降(  )以上。

  • A. 5%
  • B. 8%
  • C. 10%
  • D. 15%
标记 纠错

2013年1月23日,美国众议院投票通过了短期调高(  )议案,美国联邦政府短期内“断粮”的风险有望解除。

  • A. 公共支出上限
  • B. 公共债务上限
  • C. 公共支出下限
  • D. 公共债务下限
标记 纠错

经国务院批准,从2012年11月1日起福建省、广东省及厦门市、深圳市实施营业税改征(  )改革试点。

  • A. 印花税
  • B. 消费税
  • C. 增值税
  • D. 企业所得税
标记 纠错

1912年2月,经(  )先生批准,中国银行正式成立。

  • A. 孙中山
  • B. 黄兴
  • C. 袁世凯
  • D. 蔡锷
标记 纠错

当某种生活必需品价格(例如粮食)的市场价格上涨幅度过大,有可能影响城镇居民的生活水平时,政府一般可以采取的干预方式是(  )。

  • A. 限制进口
  • B. 实施最高限价
  • C. 实施保护价格
  • D. 增加政府库存
标记 纠错

关于完全垄断企业的需求曲线和收益曲线的说法,正确的是(  )。

  • A. 需求曲线和平均收益曲线是完全重合的
  • B. 需求曲线和边际收益曲线是完全重合的
  • C. 边际收益曲线和平均收益曲线是完全重合的
  • D. 边际收益曲线位于平均收益曲线上方
标记 纠错

在市场经济体制下,宏观经济调控应以(  )为主。

  • A. 直接调控
  • B. 间接调控
  • C. 计划调控
  • D. 价格调控
标记 纠错

我国回购协议市场的银行间回购利率是(  )。

  • A. 市场利率
  • B. 官方利率
  • C. 长期利率
  • D. 法定利率
标记 纠错

2013年,南非自2010年加入金砖国家以来首次主办金砖国家峰会,本次“金砖”国家领导人会晤的主题是(  )。

  • A. 致力于稳定、安全和繁荣的伙伴关系
  • B. 展望未来、共享繁荣
  • C. “金砖”国家与非洲:致力于发展一体化和工业化的伙伴关系
  • D. 发展一体化和工业化的伙伴关系
标记 纠错

假定M2余额为103.6万亿元,M1余额为31.1万亿元,M0余额为5.5万亿元,则活期存款余额是(  )万亿元。

  • A. 25.6
  • B. 67
  • C. 72.5
  • D. 98.1
标记 纠错

中国银行于2008年7月向中银信用卡持卡人推出的分期邮购业务是(  )。

  • A. 聪明购
  • B. 学生惠
  • C. 悦生活
  • D. 房e通
标记 纠错

从发展历程来看,我国最初正式启动利率市场化改革的突破口是(  )。

  • A. 放开债券市场利率
  • B. 放开同业拆借市场利率
  • C. 放开银行国债发行利率
  • D. 放开境内本币贷款利率
标记 纠错

作为金融中介机构,商业银行的经营对象是(  )。

  • A. 内控和风险
  • B. 信贷和风险
  • C. 货币和信用
  • D. 资产和负债
标记 纠错

在相对价格不变的情况下,如果消费者的收入减少,会使预算线(  )。

  • A. 向左平移
  • B. 向右平移
  • C. 向上旋转
  • D. 向下旋转
标记 纠错

2013年,中银国际成功协助客户完成17个新股首发上市项目。融资总额接近118亿美元,名列香港新股发行承销市场第(  )位。

  • A. 1
  • B. 2
  • C. 3
  • D. 4
标记 纠错

1994年中国银行首次进入世界最大的资本市场——纽约市场,发行5亿美元扬基债券,其中1亿美元为(  )年期限,创中国境外发债期限最长的纪录。

  • A. 10
  • B. 20
  • C. 25
  • D. 30
标记 纠错

造成通货膨胀的直接原因是(  )。

  • A. 财政赤字规模过大
  • B. 信贷供给过度
  • C. 定期存款余额过大
  • D. 国际收支长期保持顺差
标记 纠错

根据马斯洛的需要层次理论,获得友好和睦的同事关系的需要属于(  )。

  • A. 生理需要
  • B. 安全需要
  • C. 归属和爱的需要
  • D. 尊重的需要
标记 纠错

1912-1949年的37年期间,中国银行的职能发生了三次变化。1912--1928年,中国银行的职能是(  )。

  • A. 行使当时政府中央银行的职能
  • B. 政府特许的国际汇兑银行
  • C. 发展国际贸易的专业银行
  • D. 外汇专业银行
标记 纠错

2013年7月1日,英国《银行家》(The Banker)杂志公布了2013年“全球1000家大银行”排名,按一级资本总额排名,中国银行以l215.04亿美元的资本总额位居第(  )位。

  • A. 7
  • B. 8
  • C. 9
  • D. 10
标记 纠错

再贴现是指(  )。

  • A. 中央银行对企事业单位所持有的商业票据进行贴现的行为
  • B. 商业银行对中央银行持有的金融债券进行贴现的行为
  • C. 中央银行对商业银行所持有的商业票据进行贴现的行为
  • D. 商业银行对企事业单位持有的金融债券进行贴现的行为
标记 纠错

为规避信贷规模控制、存贷比等监管要求,近年来我国商业银行贷款的“表外化”趋势明显。从金融创新的角度来看,我国商业银行的这一趋势属于(  )。

  • A. 金融工具创新
  • B. 金融制度创新
  • C. 金融业务创新
  • D. 金融政策创新
标记 纠错

低档品价格上升导致需求下降的主要原因是(  )。

  • A. 替代效应与价格成反方向变动,收入效应与价格呈同方向变动,但收入效应小于替代效应
  • B. 替代效应与价格成反方向变动,收入效应与价格呈反方向变动
  • C. 替代效应与价格成同方向变动,收入效应与价格呈反方向变动,但收入效应小于替代效应
  • D. 替代效应与价格成同方向变动,收入效应与价格呈同方向变动
标记 纠错

2013年9月,中国银行正式推出民生服务品牌——(  ),涵盖社保、医疗、教育、助农、缴费、IC卡消费等居民日常生活相关的产品和服务,着力打造更便捷、高效的民生金融产品和综合服务体系。

  • A. “惠民金融”
  • B. “惠教育”
  • C. “惠消费”
  • D. “惠助农”
标记 纠错

由少数几个企业控制某一个行业供给的市场结构属于(  )。

  • A. 完全竞争
  • B. 垄断竞争
  • C. 寡头垄断
  • D. 完全垄断
标记 纠错

按照美国经济学家科斯的企业理论.导致市场机制和企业这两种资源配置方式的交易费用不同的主要原因是(  )。

  • A. 企业规模的大小
  • B. 市场失灵
  • C. 管理成本的高低
  • D. 信息的不完全性
标记 纠错

由于财政政策(  )的存在,可能使财政政策在实施过程中出现与政策制定初衷相反的效果。

  • A. 乘数
  • B. 时滞
  • C. 停滞
  • D. 预期
标记 纠错

当国际收支出现逆差时,一国之所以采用本币贬值的汇率政策,是因为本币贬值以后,以外币标价的出口价格下降,而以本币标价的进口价格上涨,从而(  ),使国际收支逆差减少,乃至恢复均衡。

  • A. 刺激出口和进口
  • B. 限制出口和进口
  • C. 刺激出口,限制进口
  • D. 限制出口,刺激进口
标记 纠错

关于治理通货紧缩的货币主义政策主张的说法,错误的是(  )。

  • A. 以稳定通货、反对通货膨胀为前提条件
  • B. 货币政策对治理通货紧缩无能为力
  • C. 货币数量是经济中唯一起支柱作用的经济变量
  • D. 反对政府干预
标记 纠错

__________her time at the university, Dr. LeFleur built a solid reputation for leadership among both students and faculty.

  • A. about
  • B. upon
  • C. during
  • D. into
标记 纠错

Samuel Johnson Machines guarantees that any defective photocopy machine will be__________immediately with a new one.

  • A. consumed
  • B. revised
  • C. prepared
  • D. replaced
标记 纠错

Chandler, Inc,relies on its employees to __________ their own judgment when accepting paid speaking engagements.

  • A. exercise
  • B. exercised
  • C. exercises
  • D. exercising
标记 纠错

With our new Quick Pay system, your monthly subscription fee will be debited automati-cally from the bank account of your__________.

  • A. choice
  • B. choose
  • C. choices
  • D. chose
标记 纠错

While the accounting department is closed, all billing questions will be __________by the customer service department.

  • A. expired
  • B. attended
  • C. replied
  • D. handled
标记 纠错

We require all visitors to__________ photo identification prior to entering the building.

  • A. assign
  • B. notify
  • C. present
  • D. permit
标记 纠错

The August Shipment has just__________from Pusan and is waiting in the receiving dock.

  • A. examined
  • B. delayed
  • C. sent
  • D. arrived
标记 纠错

The final installment in the popular mystery series__________ due to arrive in stores yesterday, but unexpected shipping problems caused delays.

  • A. are
  • B. is
  • C. was
  • D. were
标记 纠错

__________ the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is quite clear to the people all over the world.

  • A. That
  • B. Whether
  • C. What
  • D. If
标记 纠错

Throughout the year, Carlin Industries__________ employment preparedness sessions for young adults who will be entering the workforce.

  • A. holds
  • B. waits
  • C. closes
  • D. meets
标记 纠错

These books were very dear to him and he bought them at__________expense when he was studying abroad.

  • A. considerate
  • B. considered
  • C. considerable
  • D. considering
标记 纠错

Please provide the requested __________ in writing to the receptionist at the front desk.

  • A. inform
  • B. information
  • C. informed
  • D. informing
标记 纠错

Tickets to special exhibits at the botanical gardens may be reserved __________ advance.

  • A. of
  • B. in
  • C. at
  • D. for
标记 纠错

The technical group spent more than a week improving the product design, and __________ ,the clients were satisfied.

  • A. fortune
  • B. fortunes
  • C. fortunate
  • D. fortunately
标记 纠错

The consultant's report was highly__________ of our procedures for documenting purchases.

  • A. eritically
  • B. eritieism
  • C. critic
  • D. critieal
标记 纠错

These days, vending machines can be found in office buildings as __________as in stores and hotels.

  • A. well
  • B. near
  • C. far
  • D. good
标记 纠错

Before the situation was explained to him,Franco __________believed that the automobile prototype was the finished product.

  • A. wronging
  • B. wrong
  • C. wronged
  • D. wrongly
标记 纠错

The article on the importance of organization suggests that people who have a__________structured daily schedule will accomplish the most.

  • A. highly
  • B. probably
  • C. hopefully
  • D. rarely
标记 纠错

Mr. Crane__________ your report on increasing operational efficiency, and he is eager to talk to you about it on Monday.

  • A. seen
  • B. see
  • C. has seen
  • D. seeing
标记 纠错

We are __________seeking volunteers to participate in an upcoming consumer research study for Mayfee Marketing.

  • A. significantly
  • B. slightly
  • C. completely
  • D. currently
标记 纠错

None of us expected the chairman to__________at the party. We thought he was still in hospital.

  • A. turn in
  • B. turn up
  • C. turn over
  • D. turn down
标记 纠错

The White Fountain inn will__________reservations only for parties of six people or more.

  • A. aceept
  • B. accepting
  • C. aecepted
  • D. accepts
标记 纠错

As the number of local residents' visits to public swimming facilities climbs,__________the demand for lifeguards to supervise them.

  • A. as to
  • B. Aas does
  • C. as long as
  • D. whereas
标记 纠错

Subscribers to IT Monthly will have the__________to preview the new CR-G3 home com-puter before it becomes available to the general public.

  • A. progress
  • B. opportunity
  • C. play
  • D. juncture
标记 纠错

The Cornwall Times is published weekly by QYC Newspapers,Inc,a __________of Woodbridge Media Holdings.

  • A. division
  • B. selection
  • C. category
  • D. separation
标记 纠错

Mr. Jefferson has a reputation for taking risks, but his coworkers describe him as reason-ably __________ in most aspects of his job.

  • A. cautious
  • B. caution
  • C. cautiously
  • D. cautioning
标记 纠错

No fault is attached__________the bus driver for the terrible accident at the railway crossing.

  • A. for
  • B. with
  • C. in
  • D. to
标记 纠错

Office Furniture, Inc, is strongly committed to balancing its__________progress with social responsibility.

  • A. economic
  • B. economist
  • C. economically
  • D. economy
标记 纠错

__________ the new restaurant's grand opening was later than anticipated,most critics agreed that the excellent food and service were worth the wait.

  • A. although
  • B. otherwise
  • C. despite
  • D. until
标记 纠错

Due to a recent increase in administrative errors, we are writing to remind you of the process for investigating any suspected discrepancy on your service bill. Please contact the customer service department in writing within 60 days of receiving the bill. In order to avoid fate fees and possi-ble42of your service, you must still pay undisputed portions of the statement by the due date.

Proteus Sat43 every effort to resolve any claims in a timely manner, and to the mutual sat-isfaction.



  • A. interrupted
  • B. to interrupt
  • C. interruption
  • D. interruptive
标记 纠错


  • A. was making
  • B. will have made
  • C. made
  • D. will make
标记 纠错

Book Talk and Signing

Thursday, June 9,6:30 P.M.: Anthony Wang: Closter Union's Marble Hall17 East 27th Street at Third Avenue

A fascinating biography, The Hand That Fed the City, details the achievements of50mayor Katherine Simpson, the charismatic leader who established herself as the "City's Champion" in the economic stagnation of twenty years ago. Anthony Wang will discuss highlights from the51, fo-cusing on how Simpson convinced investors to move to the city by providing radical tax exemptions for new businesses52financial and for small enterprises. Wang's talk will conclude with a look at how Simpson's successor, current mayor Samuel Zimmerman, has handled her legacy.



  • A. former
  • B. back
  • C. before
  • D. early
标记 纠错


  • A. promotion
  • B. presence
  • C. poster
  • D. publication
标记 纠错


  • A. firmly
  • B. accompanied
  • C. as well as
  • D. in that at
标记 纠错

To Blanc Tech employees

From Security

Date April 16

Subject: parking policy and regulations

We would like to remind employees who park in company parking lots to register at http://blanctech.com/security and safety/register. You will be issued a permit, which must be displayed prominent in any parked vehicle.

Failure to display a permit may44a citation.Temporary agency staff and outside contrac- tors.Also required to register their45

All employees46to review the section on parking policies in Guidelines to Regulations.



  • A. affect
  • B. pose
  • C. result in
  • D. start on
标记 纠错


  • A. purchases
  • B. claims
  • C. vehicles
  • D. companies
标记 纠错


  • A. encouraged
  • B. to be encouraged
  • C. had encouraged
  • D. are encouraged
标记 纠错

January 15

Esther Chen

555 Queens Road

Leeds, England

Dear Dr. Chen

Thank you for your letter. We understand that you have decided not to47your subscription to international medicine. We are truly sorry to lose you as a subscriber. As you know, most other journals in the field focus on specialized research topics, with little48to day-to-day medical care. Our magazine is one of the few to feature new advances in both medical research and clinic at practice.

We would like to offer you a 40 percent discount on one year' s subscription. Plus, if you con-tact our subscription office before January 30, we will send you any issues you have missed free of charge. Please mention my name in order for your discount to be applied49.

We hope to hear from you.


Robert Goldberg

Vice President, Subscriptions Department



  • A. renew
  • B. review
  • C. supply
  • D. include
标记 纠错


  • A. applicants
  • B. applying
  • C. apply
  • D. application
标记 纠错


  • A. appropriately
  • B. separately
  • C. agreeably
  • D. reasonably
标记 纠错


The Daily Inquirer

October 8

Book Review of Anne Narazaki's

New Century, New Business

Reviewed by John Gilliam

Anne Narazaki's recent book, New Century, New Business, seeks to examine the new tech-nologies that are critical for global business and how they affect today's corporate transactions. Ms.Narazaki argues that while economic transactions of one kind or another have taken place for thou-sands of years, the impact of changing technology on business has become obvious only recently. In fact, as new technologies have grown more prevalent, Ms. Narazaki observes, international busi-nesses have increased in size and number. At the same time, the time required to conduct each business transaction has decreased.

Mr. Narazaki illustrates her observations with detailed examples of recent business transac-tions. Citing the merger of Poynter Technologies and Carce Company, which created the largest fi-nancial services company in the world, Ms. Narazaki explains the effect technology has on the val-uation of a company, on communication between the managements of different companies, and on stock and funds trading.

Those of us who take an interest in the interaction between business and technology will find Ms. Narazaki's ideas persuasive. The view that business cannot survive without keep~ing up with new technology has become today's corporate reality.


In the article, the word "critical" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to (  )。

  • A. growing
  • B. sensitive
  • C. disapproving
  • D. important
标记 纠错

According to the article, why is the merger of Poynter Technologies and Carce Company mentioned in the book? (  )

  • A. To point out the legal issues raised by new technologies
  • B. To show how the world's largest computer technology firm was created
  • C. To indicate that large companies have advantages in the marketplace
  • D. To illustrate the impact technology has on transactions
标记 纠错

What can be inferred about John Gilliam from his review? (  )

  • A. He specializes in articles focusing on history
  • B. He agrees with the ideas presented in the book
  • C. He hopes technology will become less important to business
  • D. He is training to work in corporate mergers
标记 纠错

Why did Ms. Oguro write an e-mail to Ms. Narazaki? (  )

  • A. To offer her a job
  • B. To compliment her on her new book
  • C. To invite her to visit Sydney
  • D. To request advice on writing books
标记 纠错

What does Ms. Oguro indicate about New Century, New Business? (  )

  • A. It is Anne Narazaki's first book
  • B. It is published by Rotaro incorporated
  • C. John Gilliam helped write a section of it
  • D. Anne Narazaki wrote it at Poynter Technologies
标记 纠错


Legman Capital Purchases Josee Group

Leafman Capital, a leading Canadian investment firm, announced today that it has completed its long-anticipated acquisition of Josee Group, a Paris-based hotel company. The deal has an esti-mated value of 350 million euros, according to Leafman Capital executives.

The sale of the French-owned Josee Group to a Canadian firm has caused a great deal of con-troversy in France, the Josee Group owns 26 historic hotels in and around Paris, including the fa-mous Hotel Jean-Claude, which had hosted numerous prominent nineteenth-century French authors and political figures. Joseph Leafman, owner of Leafman Capital, announced that his firm would strive to retain the important historic heritage of the Hotel Jean-Claude but would make necessary renovations to modernize the heating and plumbing systems. In addition to the Hotel Jean-Claude,the Josee Group owns smaller hotels across France, including the Parisian Gateway and the Hotel Fanon, both considered among the finest examples of French architecture in the neoclassic style.

Mr. Leafman said that his firm purchased the Josee Group as a means of diversifying its port-folio. He also plans to make additional purchase in Europe, which may include luxury hotels in Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland. Other assets recently purchased by Leafman Capital include high-rise apartment and office buildings in Thailand and the Philippines.

According to the article, why has the sale of the Josee Group been considered controversial?

  • A. It was sold for less than its estimated value
  • B. Historic French properties were being sold to a foreign firm
  • C. Employees of the Josee Group are expected to lose their jobs
  • D. The sale was not made public until it had been finalized
标记 纠错

What is Leafman Capital's announced plan for the Hotel Jean-Claude?

  • A. To build apartments on the property
  • B. To update some of its facilities
  • C. To operate it as an economy hotel
  • D. To turn it into a historical museum
标记 纠错

What kind of property is NOT mentioned as a recent acquisition of Legman Capital?

  • A. Historic hotels
  • B. Retail stores
  • C. Office buildings
  • D. Apartments
标记 纠错



We are currently seeking an administrative assistant for landscaping companies located in pine ridge.Responsibilities include answering phones, handling correspondence, and setting up meetings.

Must demonstrate excellent customer service skills and computer skills in word processing and spreadsheet software. Marketing background required. This is a permanent position paying 13/hr.

Please submit resumes to ivy.hermann@beslandscope.com or call 555-0045 for further information.

What job is available?

  • A. Gardener
  • B. Assistant
  • C. Department head
  • D. Accountant
标记 纠错


Rising wages -- together with currency fluctuations and high fuel costs -- are eating away the once-formidable"China price" advantage, prompting thousands of factory owners to flee the Pearl River Delta. Much has been written about the more than doubling of wages at the Shenzhen factory of Foxconn, the world's largest electronics contract manufacturer, which produces Apple iPhones and iPads and employs 920,1300 people in China alone."One can talk about a world pre- and post- Foxconn," says Victor Fung, chairman of Li & Fung, the world's biggest sourcing' company and a supplier of Wal-Mart. "Foxconn is as important as that."

Foxconn's wage increases are only the most dramatic. Our analysis suggests that, since February, minimum wages have climbed more than 20 percent in 20 Chinese regions and up to 30 percent in some, including Sichuan. At a Guangdong Province factory supplying Honda, Wages have risen an astonishing 47 percent. All this is bad news for companies operating in the world's manufacturing hub, and chief executives should assume that double-digit annual rises -- if not on the scale witnessed this year -- are here to stay.

Looked at another way, however, wage inflation provides companies with a once-in-a-generation opportunity to rethink radically the way they approach global production -- and they should do so sooner rather than later.

Why the urgency? After all, wage hikes in China are nothing new. Since 1990, they have risen by an average of 13 percent a year in U.S. dollar terms and 19 percent annually in the past five years.

There are two big reasons the situation is different now. The first has to do with productivity.

Over the past 20 years, productivity increases have broadly matched wage increase, negatitlg their impact. The pay rises came from a very low base, so while average wages grew 19 percent a year from 2005 to 2010, this amounted to only ~260 a month per employee, a sum that could be offset by more efficient production or switching to cheaper sources of parts and materials.

If labor costs continue, however, to increase at 19 percent a year for another five years,monthly wages would grew ¥623 per month, according to BCG estimates. Such an increase would ripple through the economy in the form of higher prices for components, business services, cargo-handling and office staff.

The second reason relates to societal change. Until now, if has been easy to lure a seemingly unlimited number of young, low-wage workers to the richer coastal regions and house them cheaply in dormitories until they saved enough to return home to their famihes in the interior provinces. In the future, though, young workers will be harder to recruit. This is partly because there will be fewer of them: Largely because of the country's one-child policy, the number of Chinese aged 15to 29 will start declining in 2011. Moreover, with living standards rising across China, fewer of today's rural youth will want to go to coastal regions to toil for 60 hours a week on an assembly line and live in a cramped dormitory.

So what can CEOs do in this fast-changing environment? An instinctive reaction is to search for cheaper labor elsewhere. But this is short-sighted and would provide -- at best -- a short-term fix. Another option is to stay in China and try to squeeze out greater productivity gains.

According to paragraph 1 and 2, we can summarize that (  ).

  • A. China will always boast a very impressive price advantage around the globe
  • B. Foxconn' s rising wage is just a one-sided case
  • C. Souring wages has improved a widespread impact on foreign companies
  • D. Foxconn is a manufacturer of great significance to China
标记 纠错

In Paragraph 5, the author discusses that (  ).

  • A. if labor costs continue to grow, it would ripple through the economy
  • B. average wages grow 19 percent from 2005 to 2010
  • C. foreign enterprises should switch their manufacturing to cheaper sources
  • D. the wage rises over the past 2 decades could be offset by rising production
标记 纠错

The reasons why young worker will be harder to recruit exclude (  ).

  • A. China's one-child policy
  • B. the fact that fewer rural youth want to go to coastal cities
  • C. surging living standards
  • D. the declining number of China's youth
标记 纠错

On which of the following would the author most probably agree? (  ).

  • A. Foreign investors should move their manufacturing capability closer to the consumer
  • B. China's wage inflation will wreak a pohtical havoc in the future
  • C. Foreign investors should flee to neighboring countries, such as Vietnam
  • D. There's plenty of room to improve efficiency at Chinese plants
标记 纠错

Which of the following would be the best title for text? (  )

  • A. Rising Cost, A Pain in the Neck
  • B. The Irreversible Wage inflation
  • C. To Rethink Global Production Plans
  • D. As Wages Rise, Time to Leave China
标记 纠错


In recent decades, there is a phenomenon which makes us give some attention, the so-called Southeast Asian"Tigers" have rivaled the western"lions" for stock cliches that make economic headlines. The myth of American economic hegemony over Asia in the imposing and patriarchal figure of Uncle Sam has provided frequent political grist(有利) for Southeast Asian political leaders,particularlyMalaysia's PrimeMinister Mahathir.Hehasattempted to forgean international reputation as a snarling tiger, but lately sounds more like a barnyard dog groaning at shadows. Without demeaning in any way the remarkable achievements of the newly developing economics of Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, these nations at times appear to be their own worst enemies. This is often exemplified by Dr. Mahathir, who rails at Western evil whenever an international or domestic crisis provides an opportunity.

To be more specific, the recent devaluation of the Philippine and Thai currencies, and the subsequent pressure on the Malaysian currency has inspired Dr. Mahathir to launch an all-out attack on the West as the source of the problem. He even alleges that the United States has deliberately destabilized Southeast Asian economics in revenge for these nations, supporting the brutal military rule in Mahathir, an action which the United States seems to want inspected rather than rewarded. But by resorting to such scapegoat(替罪羊 ), instead of accepting even a bit responsibility, the Prime Minister may undermine the future success of the region and Malaysia in particular.

Upon further questioning, Dr. Mahathir narrowed his attack to one wealthy individual, the well-known philanthropist (慈善家), Mr. George Sows, whose opposition to Myanmar's admission to ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Mahathir found particularity, irritating. The logical mistakes that underlie such conspiracy theories do not help Malaysia address the serious issues of economic overheating that experts have been warning about for all these difficult periods,which include large deficits and low savings to debt ratios. In fact, the recent dramatic drop in Malaysia's stock market and currency has led Dr. Mahathir to reverse his initial approach to the crisis. He even announces measures that at least imply he is quite aware of excesses in his own administration's spending policies that have contributed to this crisis of confidence. In the end, this kind of reaction undermines the esteem that Dr. Mahathir's enlightened leadership has justly earned.

It is implied in the first paragraph that Dr.Mahathir (  ).

  • A. tries to manipulate anti-Western actions for political gains
  • B. detests the USA's controlling over" the regional economics
  • C. has correctly identified the financial problem in Asia
  • D. believes in the effect of the ghostly influence from the west
标记 纠错

The author of this essay seems to suggest that (  ).

  • A. the Asian Crisis is the result of ASEAN pandering to terrorist governments
  • B. there is not a serious economic problem in Southeast Asia at all
  • C. the devaluation of Malaysia's currency is due to the American plot
  • D. the economic problems in some Asian countries is partly the result of their overheating economy
标记 纠错

The author suggests the Dr. Mahathir's comments on the currency problems (  ).

  • A. are poor because they weaken his own credibility
  • B. are sharp in identifying the cause of the problem
  • C. prove that he has been a poor leader in general
  • D. reveal his keen insight into the complex issue
标记 纠错

Which of the following is the tone of this essay? (  )

  • A. objective and detached
  • B. piercing arid indifferent
  • C. sarcastic and prejudice
  • D. impassive and hostile
标记 纠错

The relative pronoun "which" in the last paragraph (Line 6) refers to (  ).

  • A. experts
  • B. periods
  • C. theories
  • D. issues
标记 纠错


Rase Chemical Corporation is proud to submit its entry to the annual Chemistry Innovation in Motion contest to be held in the Royal Park Hotel, Vancouver, Canada, September 6-10. Our entry

introduces what we believe is an extraordinary product.

The product is a new type of insulation material providing benefits that traditional housing in-sulation products do not offer. Thanks to its unique microstructure, the new material can keep houses up to 50 percent warmer in the cold winter months. This means that using our insulation will result in substantial reductions in consumer heating hills. In addition, our new insulation mate-rial is made without the harmful chemicals often found in other insulating products, making it safer to use and easier to dispose of. Moreover, the insulation functions well in all types of climates.

Consumers living in humid or dry areas will equally benefit from our new insulation.

We invite all scientists and observers to visit our information booth at the Chemistry Innova-tion in Motion contest and to meet Bernard Cho, CEO of Rase Chemical Corporation, who will be giving a presentation on the product at 9:00 A,M. on September 9.

What can be inferred about the new insulation?

  • A. It is most useful in a small house
  • B. It represents an innovation in chemistry
  • C. It needs to be tested in a dry climate
  • D. It is currently being used at the Royal Park Hotel
标记 纠错



Why did Ms. Waring fill out the claim form? (  )

  • A. She was charged twice for the same order
  • B. The seller sent the wrong item
  • C. The item she order was damaged
  • D. She never received the item she ordered
标记 纠错

What did Ms. Waring do before filling out the claim form?

  • A. She visited a bookstore
  • B. She canceled her payment
  • C. She returned the item
  • D. She called the seller
标记 纠错

What is the purpose of the e-mail? (  )

  • A. To explain that an investigation takes five days to complete
  • B. To acknowledge that the claim has been received
  • C. To inform Ms. Waring that her claim will likely be approved
  • D. To request more information about the claim
标记 纠错

In the e-mail, the word "filed" in paragraph 1, line 2, is closest in meaning to (  ).

  • A. lined up
  • B. sent in
  • C. put away
  • D. cut back
标记 纠错

How will All The Sales probably reimburse Ms. Waring if her claim is valid?

  • A. By returning the money to her credit card account
  • B. By giving her a credit toward a future purchase on the company's Web site
  • C. By using an express delivery service to send her a check
  • D. By shipping her a second copy of her order at no charge
标记 纠错



What is the purpose of the e-mail?

  • A. To change a policy
  • B. To inquire about a problem
  • C. To give instructions
  • D. To correct an error
标记 纠错

In the e-mail, the word "address" in paragraph 3, line 1, is closest in meaning to (  ).

  • A. give attention to
  • B. write to
  • C. look forward to
  • D. call by name
标记 纠错

What will the technical support team NOT do?

  • A. Record speakers
  • B. Videotape presentations
  • C. Check sound equipment
  • D. Adjust lighting
标记 纠错

What problem does Hanna Sanchez mention?

  • A. The technican's do not have enough time between sessions
  • B. One of the rooms is not fully equipped for the presentations
  • C. One of the presentations will need to be rescheduled
  • D. The lighting in room 106 does not work properly
标记 纠错

Who will need to move a laptop computer?

  • A. Adam Naraozny
  • B. Maria Faustini
  • C. Jim Dawkins
  • D. Hanna Sanchez
标记 纠错



What is the last day to apply for the WHC position? (  )

  • A. May 1
  • B. May 10
  • C. May 17
  • D. May 27
标记 纠错

What does the WHC job advertisement imply? (  )

  • A. WHC will provide necessary software training
  • B. Applicants must have management experience to be considered
  • C. The position is a one-year assignment
  • D. Applicants who know multiple languages are more likely to be hired
标记 纠错

What is NOT mentioned as a potential position on a cruise ship? (  )

  • A. Swim teacher
  • B. Store manager
  • C. Child care worker
  • D. Cafeteria cook
标记 纠错

According to the job posting, what is an advantage of working for Whirlwinds? (  )

  • A. The company will pay for living expenses
  • B. The company offers education scholarships
  • C. Workers can choose the countries they go to
  • D. Skilled laborers receive a monthly bonus
标记 纠错

According to the postings, what skill should applicants at both companies have? (  )

  • A. International experience
  • B. A university degree
  • C. Creative skills
  • D. An ability to work in groups
标记 纠错


The leaders of Detroit's struggling Big Three automakers are appearing before the Senate today, where prospects of 25 billion in emergency loans to the industry appear to be stalling.

Amid GOP cries of "corporate welfare", Senate Majority Leader Reid introduced a bill yester-day to let the automakers and component suppliers tap into some of the money Congress allotted in the ¥700 billion financial bailout.

Reid, launching a lame-duck session, warned of a"potential meltdown" in the industry with devastating consequences. He said 355,000 people are employed by the industry and 4.5 million more work in related industries. An additional 1 million people, retirees and their relatives, are covered by retirement and medical plants within the industry, he said.

The Big Three-General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler-have been whipsawed by the faltering economy and credit crunch.

But the odds do not look good for Detroit. At the heart of the debate is whether automakers are deserving as a linchpin of the U.S. economy or not, in the words of one high-profile critic,Republican Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, is an innovation-averse "dinosaur".

Shelby, appearing on Sunday to meet the Press, said "Get rid of the management. Get rid of the boards-the people who brought them to where they are today. This is a dead end. It's a road to nowhere, and it's a big burden on the American taxpayer."

Republicans attacked the measure on several fronts. Some questioned the rush to judgment,others warned that other industries would soon line up for help. And some charged that the firms brought on their troubles by agreeing to union contracts with wages and benefits costing an average of ¥73 an hour, compared with ¥28 an hour for the average private firm.

GOP Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania said the ¥700 billion rescue was the No.1 issued when he toured the state recently."Candidily, the temperature of my constituents was boiling,212degrees Fahrenheit, and the thermometer was broken," he said.

Some opponents prefer that the automakers pursue Chapter 11 reorganizations instead of hitting up Uncle Sam.

Democrats argue that the ¥25 billion is only 4 percent of the bigger bailout. Reid's spokesman, Jim Manley, said the bill has robust language on corporate oversight, taxpayer protections, and executive compensation limits.

A compromise could be struck if Democrats bowed to GOP pressure and, instead of new loans,rewrote the rules for ¥25 billion in loans granted to automakers to help them retool factories to build fuel-efficientvehicles. "It'smind boggling",oneRepublicansaidof Democrats'intransigence. "If I were them, I'd want to get this off my plate before Obama becomes president."

The automotive executives, Alan Mulatly, Ford's president and CEO, Robert Nardelli,

Chrysler's chairman and CEO, and Rick Wagoner, GM's chairman and CEO, are to appear before the Senate Banking Committee. Shelby is the top Republican on the panel.

The post-election lame-duck session is the last chance to sign off on the measure during this Congress. The bill probably can pass the House, but prospects are iffy in the Senate, where Democrats need 60 votes to block an expected filibuster.

If nothing passes, it could be taken up in January by the next Congress, which will have a broader Democratic majority.

Harry Reid proposed a bill for the automakers because (  ).

  • A. GOP called for "corporate welfare"
  • B. the leaders of the Big Three came to Senate to stall the loans
  • C. the breakdown of American auto industry will affect millions of people's life
  • D. ¥700 billion emergency loans is to be tapped into
标记 纠错

We may infer from the third paragraph that (  ).

  • A. the Big Three partly led to the bad economy and credit crunch
  • B. people doubted the auto industry as the backbone of the economy
  • C. the automakers lacked the spirit of innovation in the past
  • D. Richard Shelby, a high-profile critic, dislikes big animals like dinosaurs
标记 纠错

Sen. Aden Specter is quoted in Paragraph 8 to (  ).

  • A. reflect the reaction of the ordinary people to the bill
  • B. illustrate people' s approval of passing the measure
  • C. demonstrate the troubles caused by agreeing to union contracts
  • D. show the devastating impact of auto industry on society
标记 纠错

On which of the following statements would the author most probably agree? (  )

  • A. Democrats should reach an agreement in the face of Republican pressure
  • B. Senator Reid should send the bill after Obama becomes president
  • C. ¥25 billion in loans should be solely used for updating factories
  • D. The chance of passing the bill in January would be greater than now
标记 纠错

The passage intends to tell us that (  ).

  • A. the gloomy prospects of passing Reid's bill on saving the auto industry
  • B. the possibility of a compromise between two parties on bailing out auto industry
  • C. the correlation between sescuing auto industry and two parties' stance
  • D. the great difference between Democrats and Republics on rescuing in the Big Three
标记 纠错


To: All Griffin Corporation Employees

From: Sally Kleinman, Director, Employee Relations

Re: Employee Fitness Center

Sent: Thursday, November 1,9:46 AM.

Dear Colleagues:

As you know, Griffin Corporation recognizes the importance of having an excellent exercise facility on the premises. Over the past three years, we have worked hard to improve the employee fitness center: we have purchased new exercise equipment, renovated the locker rooms, and begun offering "Welcome Aboard! ", a safety training course.

Two months ago, you responded enthusiastically to a survey about this fitness facility. Based on our recommendations, changes are planning for the fitness center. They will take effort on December 1. First of all, as requested, the fitness center will stay open three extra hours Monday through Thursday. Also, a new series of classes-most of them suggested by you-will begin. Finally,those of you who have been using the center will be pleased to hear that popular personal trainer Joseph Santiago will be promoted to manager of the fitness center.

We encourage more employees to take advantage of all the fitness center has to offer.

Membership will continue to be subsidized and wilt remain at $15 per month. In addition, and for a limited time only, we are now offering a special rate for new members, members who sign up before December 1 will only be charged $10 per month for the next six months. Please contact Joseph Santiago to sign up at this new reduced rate.

Best Regards,

Sally Kleinman


(as of December 1)

Hours of Operation Group Classes

Monday6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M.MondayWeight lifting12:00-1:00 P.M.

Tuesday6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M. TuesdayAerobic workout 6:00-7:00 P.M.

Wednesday 6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M.Wednesday Kickboxing 12:00-1:00 P.M.

Thursday 6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M. 'l'hursdayStep aerobics6:00-7:00 P.M.

Friday 6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M.Friday Yoga7:00-8:30 AM.

Saturday 6:00 AM.-9:00 P.M. SaturdayCross training9:00-1:30 AM.



1. Please do not use equipment for more than 30 minutes if other members are waiting to use it.

2. Members may bring one guest per visit. Guests under 18 must be accompanied by a member at all times.

3. Registration is not required for classes, but class size is limited to 15 participants. Please arrive early to secure a place. Goals and bags should be left in the locker room so that all class participants have plenty of space.

4. New members are required to complete a"Welcome Aboard" class before using any


5. Members must carry their membership card at all times while in the center.

What is the purpose of the e-mail?

  • A. To complain about problems at a fitness center
  • B. To request suggestions for new fitness center classes
  • C. To notify employees about a new fitness center
  • D. To inform employees of changes at a fitness center
标记 纠错

What is indicated in the e-mail?

  • A. Sally Kleinman is a new employee of Griffin Corporation
  • B. Griffin Corporation employees have asked for extended hours of operation at the fitness center
  • C. Joseph Santiago will teach safety training courses
  • D. Griffin Corporation employees can take group fitness classes for free
标记 纠错

What will happen at the fitness center on December 17

  • A. New exercise equipment will be delivered
  • B. Each Griffin Corporation employee will have a fitness evaluation
  • C. New exercise classes will begin
  • D. Membership fees will increase
标记 纠错

What are members of the fitness center asked not to do?

  • A. Bring guests who are under eighteen years old
  • B. Leave classes early
  • C. Use equipment for which they have not signed up
  • D. Bring bags to classes
标记 纠错

What must new members do before using the fitness center?

  • A. Get a health certificate from a doctor
  • B. Pay for a year's membership
  • C. Attend a training session on safety
  • D. Register with a personal trainer
标记 纠错
多选题 (共25题,共25分)

中央银行作为“银行的银行”体现在(  )。

  • A. 代理国库
  • B. 集中存款准备
  • C. 组织全国的清算
  • D. 最终贷款人
标记 纠错

根据交易的经济性质分类,财政支出分为(  )。

  • A. 功能性支出
  • B. 补偿性支出
  • C. 购买性支出
  • D. 转移性支出
标记 纠错

下列选项中属于通货膨胀经济现象的有(  )。

  • A. 需求扩张
  • B. 存款增加
  • C. 价格上涨
  • D. 价格下降
标记 纠错

不兑现信用货币制度的特点有(  )。

  • A. 黄金非货币化
  • B. 黄金货币化
  • C. 货币供给信用化
  • D. 货币形态多样化
标记 纠错

贷款损失准备金的类别主要包括(  )。

  • A. 弥补贷款组合未来损失与不良贷款内在损失程度无关的一般准备金
  • B. 根据贷款风险分类,根据其内在损失程度按不同比例计提的一般准备金
  • C. 根据贷款的国别、行业、特别风险等提取的特别准备金
  • D. 根据贷款风险分类,根据其内在损失程度,按不同比例计提的专项准备金
标记 纠错

当一国面临通货膨胀风险时可采取的调节政策有(  )。

  • A. 紧缩性的财政政策
  • B. 紧缩性的货币政策
  • C. 鼓励出口的信用政策
  • D. 降低进口关税
标记 纠错

普通股筹资的优点有(  )。

  • A. 资本成本较低
  • B. 没有固定到期日
  • C. 没有固定利息负担
  • D. 筹资风险小
标记 纠错

下列选项中属于货币市场金融工具的有(  )。

  • A. 商业票据
  • B. 回购协议
  • C. 一年期定期存单
  • D. 公司债券
标记 纠错

被称为拉动我国经济发展的“三驾马车”是指(  )。

  • A. 消费
  • B. 金融
  • C. 投资
  • D. 出口
标记 纠错

矩阵组织形式的主要特点有(  )。

  • A. 一名员工有两位领导
  • B. 组织内部存在两个层次的协调
  • C. 组织的稳定性强
  • D. 产品部门(或项目小组)所形成的横向联系灵活多样
标记 纠错

国际收支大体上能够反映外汇市场的供求状况,国际收支出现逆差时(  )。

  • A. 外汇升值
  • B. 本币升值
  • C. 本币贬值
  • D. 外汇贬值
  • E. 外汇需求大于供给
标记 纠错

以下选项中对会计分期说法正确的有(  )。

  • A. 会计分期是对会计主体活动的时间范围上的限定
  • B. 会计期间分为年度、半年度、季度和月度
  • C. 会计年度、半年度、季度、月度均按公历起讫日期确定
  • D. 会计分期是对会计主体活动的空间范围上的限定
标记 纠错

以下阐述中符合完全竞争市场基本特征的有(  )。

  • A. 市场上每一个生产厂商提供的商品都是同质的
  • B. 厂商可以决定商品价格
  • C. 不存在资源的流动成本
  • D. 不存在信息的不对称现象
标记 纠错

关于管理层次与管理幅度关系的说法,正确的有(  )。

  • A. 两者存在反比的数量关系
  • B. 两者存在正比的数量关系
  • C. 两者相互制约,其中管理幅度起主导作用
  • D. 两者相互制约,其中管理层次起主导作用
标记 纠错

《合同法》规定,导致合同无效的情形包括(  )。

  • A. 恶意串通,损害国家、集体或者第三人利益
  • B. 以合法形式掩盖非法目的
  • C. 损害社会公共利益
  • D. 违反行政法规的强制性规定
标记 纠错

中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席俞正声于2013年6月15日下午在厦门海峡会议中心会见了出席第五届海峡论坛的两岸各界人士。下列各项中,不属于本届论坛议题的有(  )。

  • A. “聚焦亲情、共圆梦想”
  • B. “扩大民间交流、加强丽岸合作、促进共同发展”
  • C. “两岸同根,闽台一家”
  • D. “聚焦基层,共享成果”
标记 纠错

2013年4月23日,国家质检总局公布《有机产品认证管理办法》。办法明确,有机产品认证将实行统一的(  )。

  • A. 认证目录
  • B. 标准
  • C. 认证实施规则
  • D. 认证标志
标记 纠错

下列物品和服务中,属于公共物品和公共服务的有(  )。

  • A. 国防
  • B. 苹果
  • C. 洗牙
  • D. 公共图书馆
标记 纠错

下列信用形式中,属于直接信用的有(  )。

  • A. 商业企业对客户赊销商品
  • B. 股份公司发行股票
  • C. 企业发行债券
  • D. 银行对居民发放购房贷款
标记 纠错

中国银行的理财产品有(  )。

  • A. 汇聚宝
  • B. 期金宝
  • C. 期权宝
  • D. 两金宝
标记 纠错

影响需求价格弹性的因素有(  )。

  • A. 替代品的数量和相近程度
  • B. 商品的重要性
  • C. 商品用途的多少
  • D. 资金有机构成不同
标记 纠错

爱尔兰政府2013年12月13日宣布,在不必预先安排预防性信贷额度情况下于12月15日正式退出救助计划。三年来爱尔兰成功履行了(  )的救助计划,成为了首个退出救助项目的欧元区国家。

  • A. 欧盟委员会
  • B. 欧洲央行
  • C. 国际货币基金组织
  • D. 世界银行
标记 纠错

中国银行的战略目标有(  )。

  • A. 担当社会责任
  • B. 做最好的银行
  • C. 服务客户
  • D. 回报股东
标记 纠错

《银行业监督管理法》规定,对发生风险的银行业金融机构进行处置的办法有(  )。

  • A. 接管
  • B. 重组
  • C. 撤销
  • D. 依法宣告破产
标记 纠错

2013年9月25日,中国银行广东省分行首发长城环球通多币种借记卡,该卡片具有(  )币种账户。

  • A. 人民币
  • B. 澳门元
  • C. 美元
  • D. 港元
标记 纠错

答题卡(剩余 道题)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224
225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249