

卷面总分:250分 答题时间:240分钟 试卷题量:250题 练习次数:102次
单选题 (共225题,共225分)

注册商标的有效期为(  )年。

  • A. 20
  • B. 10
  • C. 15
  • D. 5
标记 纠错

货币政策是中央银行为实现特定经济目标而采取的各种方针、政策、措施的总称。关于货币政策基本特征的说法,错误的是(  )。

  • A. 货币政策是宏观经济政策
  • B. 货币政策是调节社会总供给的政策
  • C. 货币政策主要是间接调控政策
  • D. 货币政策是长期连续的经济政策
标记 纠错


由此可知(  )。

  • A. 小王是律师,小李是医生,小张是教师
  • B. 小王是医生,小李是教师,小张是律师
  • C. 小王是教师,小李是律师,小张是医生
  • D. 小王是教师,小李是医生,小张是律师
标记 纠错

一家工商企业拟在金融市场上筹集长期资金,其可以选择的市场是(  )。

  • A. 股票市场
  • B. 同业拆借市场
  • C. 商业票据市场
  • D. 回购协议市场
标记 纠错

组织结构三要素不包括(  )。

  • A. 虚拟化
  • B. 规范化
  • C. 集权化
  • D. 复杂化
标记 纠错

关于管理幅度与管理层次的说法,正确的是(  )。

  • A. 管理幅度指的是组织结构的纵向复杂程度
  • B. 管理层次与管理幅度在数量上成正比关系
  • C. 管理层次的多少代表组织结构的横向复杂程度
  • D. 管理幅度与管理层次是相互制约的
标记 纠错

根据双因素理论,员工感到不满的主要原因是(  )。

  • A. 激励因素缺乏
  • B. 保健因素缺乏
  • C. 激励因素充足
  • D. 保健因素充足
标记 纠错

在国民收入核算体系中,计入GDP的政府支出是指(  )。

  • A. 政府工作人员的薪水和政府转移支出
  • B. 政府购买的物品和劳务的支出
  • C. 政府购买的物品和劳务的支出加上政府的转移支出之和
  • D. 政府购买的物品支出
标记 纠错

根据经济学家凯恩斯的消费理论,边际消费倾向和平均消费倾向的关系是(  )。

  • A. 边际消费倾向总是小于平均消费倾向
  • B. 边际消费倾向总是等于平均消费倾向
  • C. 边际消费倾向总是大于平均消费倾向
  • D. 边际消费倾向和平均消费倾向的关系不稳定
标记 纠错

以纵轴代表价格、横轴代表产量绘制某种农产品的需求曲线和供给曲线。假设其他条件不变,当生产成本上升时,在坐标图上就表现为这种农产品的(  )。

  • A. 供给曲线将向左移动
  • B. 需求曲线将向左移动
  • C. 需求曲线将向右移动
  • D. 供给曲线将向右移动
标记 纠错

假设消费者收入增加25%,会导致某种商品的需求量增加10%,则该商品的类型为(  )。

  • A. 低档品
  • B. 高档品
  • C. 劣等品
  • D. 必需品
标记 纠错

To remove jammed paper from the printer, ___ lift up the plastic panel and press the buttonmarked “Jam”.

  • A. simplify
  • B. simple
  • C. simply
  • D. simplistic
标记 纠错

Even though the conference is not for another eight weeks, we have decided to begin markingthe necessary ___ now.

  • A. arranged
  • B. arrangements
  • C. arranging
  • D. arranges
标记 纠错

Whoever is in charge of ___ the event must have the ability to work on multiple tasks atthe same time.

  • A. coordinating
  • B. intending
  • C. collaborating
  • D. depending
标记 纠错

There are no ___differences between the two products, despite the fact that each is madefrom different materials.

  • A. observably
  • B. observing
  • C. observe
  • D. observable
标记 纠错








将以上7个句子重新排列。语序正确的是(  )。

  • A. ①⑤③④②⑦⑥
  • B. ③⑤⑦①④②⑥
  • C. ⑥③⑤⑦①④②
  • D. ⑤③④②⑦①⑥
标记 纠错

一个四边形广场,它的四条边长分别是60米、72米、96米、84米。现在四边和四角需种树,而且每两棵树的间隔相等,那么,至少要种多少棵树?(  )

  • A. 22
  • B. 25
  • C. 26
  • D. 30
标记 纠错

Mr. Arman admitted that he had beensurprised by the high volume of sales his company had generated last quarter.

  • A. most thorough
  • B. thoroughly
  • C. thoroughness
  • D. thorough
标记 纠错

Most of the meeting was spent going over the salesfrom the previous month.

  • A. shapes
  • B. celebrities
  • C. figures
  • D. measures
标记 纠错

为进一步推进利率市场化,完善金融市场基准利率体系,指导信贷市场产品定价,2013年10月25日,(  )集中报价和发布机制正式运行。

  • A. LPR
  • B. Shibor
  • C. Libor
  • D. Hibor
标记 纠错

How long will the ship stay in the Caribbean?

  • A. Eight days
  • B. About two weeks
  • C. One month
  • D. About three months
标记 纠错

What is NOT included for every passenger?

  • A. Meals with the captain
  • B. Tickets to performances
  • C. Access to the sauna
  • D. Onboard lodging
标记 纠错

Which of the following is NOT a condition of the sale?

  • A. Flights must begin after May 21st
  • B. Flights must fall between May 1st and October 1st
  • C. Flights must end by October 1st
  • D. Flights must be paid for by May 1st
标记 纠错

The word "select" in paragraph 1, line 2 is closest in meaning to

  • A. specific
  • B. favorite
  • C. excellent
  • D. common
标记 纠错

How much did Ms. Eberhardt pay last month?

  • A. $20.00
  • B. $35.08
  • C. $55.08
  • D. $61.59
标记 纠错

What will someone who contributes $400 receive?

  • A. Complimentary pool membership
  • B. Recognition in a community publication
  • C. A ticket to the opening ceremony
  • D. Space on an honorary plaque
标记 纠错

What will happen on August lst?

  • A. The council will start accepting contributions
  • B. Construction on the swimming pool will begin
  • C. The opening ceremony will be held
  • D. Residents will participate in a town meeting
标记 纠错

The word " holding" in paragraph 3, line 6 is closest in meaning to ___________.

  • A. supporting
  • B. remaining
  • C. acquiring
  • D. owning
标记 纠错

About how many new homes were sold in June of this year?

  • A. 62,000
  • B. 64,000
  • C. 68,000
  • D. 71,000
标记 纠错

What warning does the article give?

  • A. Too much construction could have negative effects
  • B. The contents of the report could be inaccurate
  • C. Investors could pull out of the real estate industry
  • D. The national economy could suffer a downturn
标记 纠错

当某种生活必需品的市场价格上涨幅度过大时,为保障大多数消费者的基本生活稳定,政府采取最高限价进行干预,可能导致的结果是(  )。

  • A. 政府储备增加
  • B. 供给过多
  • C. 生产成本上升
  • D. 供给短缺
标记 纠错

《中国海洋经济发展报告(2013)》预计,到2020年,中国海洋生产总值占GDP比重达到12.44%,到2030年,占比将进一步上升至15.49%。报告预测,(  )年之后,中国海洋经济发展将进入成熟期。

  • A. 2015
  • B. 2020
  • C. 2025
  • D. 2030
标记 纠错

下列资源配置状态中,达到帕累托最优的是(  )。

  • A. 国民收入实现了公平分配
  • B. 社会全体成员的福利同时改善
  • C. 不使社会中的某些成员福利变差,就无法使其他成员福利改善
  • D. 实现外部影响内部化
标记 纠错

观察给定的几个图,寻找它们的规律,问号处应该填入的图为(  )。


  • A. 见图A
  • B. 见图B
  • C. 见图C
  • D. 见图D
标记 纠错


根据上述条件,下列判断中正确的是(  )。

  • A. 1是亚洲,2是欧洲
  • B. 2是大洋洲.3是非洲
  • C. 3是欧洲,4是非洲
  • D. 4是美洲。5是非洲
标记 纠错

1,3,3,-1,15,(  )

  • A. 175
  • B. 215
  • C. 255
  • D. 295
标记 纠错

1,10,31,70,133,(  )

  • A. 136
  • B. 186
  • C. 226
  • D. 256
标记 纠错

下列所给图形的左侧是一完整的立方体.中间和右侧再加上下列选项中的(  )就可以构成左侧的完整的立方体。


  • A. 见图A
  • B. 见图B
  • C. 见图C
  • D. 见图D
标记 纠错

左边给定的是纸盒的外表面,下面哪一项不能由它折叠而成?(  )。


  • A. 见图A
  • B. 见图B
  • C. 见图C
  • D. 见图D
标记 纠错

观察给定的几个图,寻找它们的规律,问号处应该填人的图为(  )。


  • A. 见图A
  • B. 见图B
  • C. 见图C
  • D. 见图D
标记 纠错

1,4,13,40,121,(  )

  • A. 1093
  • B. 364
  • C. 927
  • D. 264
标记 纠错


  • A. 见图A
  • B. 见图B
  • C. 见图C
  • D. 见图D
标记 纠错


以下哪项如果为真,则最能削弱以上结论?(  )

  • A. 平均来说。生产率低的员工每天在工作场所的时间比生产率高的员工要少
  • B. 舒适的环境比不舒适的环境更能激励员工努力工作
  • C. 生产率高的员工通常得到舒适的办公场所作为酬劳
  • D. 生产率高的员工不会比生产率低的员工认识错误的时间长
标记 纠错


  • A. 见图A
  • B. 见图B
  • C. 见图C
  • D. 见图D
标记 纠错

5,10,26,50,122,(  )

  • A. 148
  • B. 158
  • C. 170
  • D. 178
标记 纠错

对照左边的图形,不能由它分割成的是(  )。


  • A. 见图A
  • B. 见图B
  • C. 见图C
  • D. 见图D
标记 纠错


以下哪项如果为真,最能削弱上述结论?(  )

  • A. 统计孩子平均智商的样本数量不够多
  • B. 不难发现,一些天才儿童的父母均是本地人
  • C. 不难发现,一些低智商儿童的父母的出生地间隔较远
  • D. 能够异地通婚者是智商比较高的,他们自身的高智商促成了异地通婚
标记 纠错


若赵、钱、孙三人按语文成绩由高到低排列,正确的是(  )。

  • A. 赵、钱、孙
  • B. 赵、孙、钱
  • C. 钱、赵、孙
  • D. 孙、赵、钱
标记 纠错

小陈骑车自A地往B地,先上坡后下坡,到达B地后立即返回A地,共用19分钟。已知小陈的上坡速度为350米/分钟,下坡速度为600米/分钟,则A地距离B地(  )米。

  • A. 3600
  • B. 4200
  • C. 4600
  • D. 5400
标记 纠错

火车驶过长900米的铁路桥,从车头上桥到车尾离桥共用1分25秒,紧接着列车又穿过一条长1800米的隧道,从车头进隧道到车尾离开隧道用了2分40秒,则火车车身长为(  )米。

  • A. 120
  • B. 100
  • C. 80
  • D. 90
标记 纠错

甲、乙两车分别从A、B两地同时相向而行,已知甲车速度与乙车速度之比为4:3,C地在A、B之间,甲、乙两车到达C地的时间分别是上午8点和下午3点,问甲、乙两车相遇是什么时间?(  )

  • A. 上午9点
  • B. 上午10点
  • C. 上午11点
  • D. 下午1点
标记 纠错

为节约水资源,某城市规定,每户每月用水不超过7立方米,按11元/立方米收费;超过7立方米的。超过部分按19元/立方米收费,每次收费用水量都按整数计算。某个月月底结算时.王家比陈家多交了l06元。问王家比陈家多用了多少立方米的水?(  )

  • A. 3
  • B. 4
  • C. 5
  • D. 6
标记 纠错

某容器中装有盐水。老师让小强再倒入5%的盐水800克,以配成20%的盐水。但小强却错误地倒入了800克水。老师发现后说,不要紧,你再将第三种盐水400克倒入容器,就可得到20%的盐水了。那么第三种盐水的浓度是多少?(  )

  • A. 20%
  • B. 30%
  • C. 40%
  • D. 50%
标记 纠错

一项工程由甲、乙、丙三个工程队共同完成需要l5天,甲队与乙队的工作效率相同,丙队3天的工作量与乙队4天的工作量相当。三队同时开工2天后,丙队被调往另一工地,甲乙两队留下继续工作。那么,开工22天后,这项工程(  )。

  • A. 已经完工
  • B. 余下的量需甲乙两队共同工作1天
  • C. 余下的量需乙丙两队共同工作1天
  • D. 余下的量需甲乙丙三队共同工作1天
标记 纠错

有20位运动员参加长跑,他们的参赛号码分别是1、2、3……20,至少要从中选出多少个参赛号码,才能保证至少有两个号码的差是l3的倍数?(  )

  • A. 12
  • B. 15
  • C. 14
  • D. 13
标记 纠错

甲、乙两个车间生产同一种仪器,甲车间生产的仪器数量每个月保持不变,乙车间生产的仪器数量每个月增加一倍。已知一月份甲、乙两个车间生产的仪器总数是98件,二月份甲、乙两个车间生产的仪器总数是106件。那么乙车间生产的仪器数量第一次超过甲车间生产的仪器数量是在(  )。

  • A. 3月
  • B. 4月
  • C. 5月
  • D. 7月
标记 纠错

某施工队计划用l20个劳动力在规定时间内完成一定的挖土任务。施工25天后,因调走30人,于是每人每天必须多挖l立方米土才能在规定时间内完成任务。问在25天后每人每天挖土多少立方米?(  )

  • A. 3
  • B. 4
  • C. 5
  • D. 6
标记 纠错

以下各句中,没有语病的一句是(  )。

  • A. 从中国人民认识到再也不能错过历史机遇之日起,就开始了新的长征。
  • B. 学习语文不能仅凭小聪明,一定要下苦功不可。
  • C. 不远处有片树林,这是我练习打太极拳的地方。
  • D. 在退休者中,有许多继续为四化建设贡献余热的专家学者。
标记 纠错


这段文字中的“匠人规则”启示我们(  )。

  • A. 规则是有棱有角,非常清楚的,丁就是丁,卯就是卯
  • B. 尊重规则,遵守规则,是做好一切事情的前提和根本
  • C. 规则可惩罚违反它的人,又可保护和赏赐遵守它的人
  • D. 规则作为尺度和准绳,为人们做事提供了一个客观的标准
标记 纠错







将以上6个句子重新排列,语序正确的是(  )。

  • A. ②④⑥③①⑤
  • B. ⑤⑥④③②①
  • C. ②④③⑤⑥①
  • D. ⑤①④⑥③②
标记 纠错

下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(  )。

  • A. 随着第三尊佛像逃过塔利班劫难而现身峡谷的消息传开,让人不由联想到阿富汗昨日的灾难和今日的不幸。
  • B. 当宾客们来到这个秀丽的小花园后,才看到姚明婚礼的主会场竟设在花园湖心的小岛上举行.大家对婚庆公司的这个巧妙安排啧啧称奇。
  • C. 中国外交部发言人在记者招待会上表示,达赖集团加紧从事分裂祖国、破坏西藏稳定的活动的图谋过去没有得逞,今后也不会得逞。
  • D. 《中国人最易读错的字》一书选取近200个中国人最易读错的字为对象,除了作出语音的正误判断外,还对读错的原因进行了分析,具有较高的学术价值。
标记 纠错


这个故事所包含的道理不包括(  )。

  • A. 有时候.方法比想法更重要
  • B. 敢想敢做,梦想才有可能变为现实
  • C. 没有方法对应的想法。是没有价值的
  • D. 想法要切合实际。否则就是空想
标记 纠错


根据上述定义,下列选项中属于延迟策略的是(  )。

  • A. 为了适应不同国家的不同语言要求.一些电脑硬件和软件的使用说明书采用多语言版
  • B. 由于北美和欧洲所使用的标准电压不同,日本主机生产商往往需要同时生产两种电源
  • C. 一些企业会存储未染色的服装,直到销售季节开始,获得更多顾客偏好信息后才开始染色
  • D. 随着笔记本电脑的普及,适用PS/2接口的鼠标和键盘越来越少.而适用USB接口的越来越多
标记 纠错


根据上述定义,以下选项中属于决策瘫痪的是(  )。

  • A. 某上市公司的董事会形同虚设,各股东基本不参与具体决策,都是由高管人员完成
  • B. 微博正在悄悄改变人们的日常生活,一个人的小小提议能引来一帮拥护者
  • C. 人所拥有的知识就像一个圆,圆内是已知的知识,已知的越多,就会发现未知的越多
  • D. 某公司公开征集有关推广宣传的广告设计,由于收到的设计稿太多,导致决策层无法取舍,迟迟没有定下最终方案
标记 纠错


填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是(  )。

  • A. 透彻恰如其分
  • B. 如实不偏不倚
  • C. 客观条分缕析
  • D. 准确鞭辟入里
标记 纠错


填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是(  )。

  • A. 追捧指鹿为马
  • B. 偏爱移花接木
  • C. 崇拜张冠李戴
  • D. 推崇鱼目混珠
标记 纠错


根据上述定义,下列属于内源性注意的是(  )。

  • A. 根据客户的要求。广告设计师特别关注了大量以温馨家园为题材的售楼广告素材
  • B. “轰”的一声响.大家不由得都回头看了一眼
  • C. “六一儿童节”,公园里奇幻的魔术表演受到许多小朋友和家长的喜爱
  • D. 超市琳琅满目的商品,包装各异、颜色鲜亮,吸引了许多顾客的眼球
标记 纠错



这段文字隐含的主要信息或道理是(  )。

  • A. 尺有所短.寸有所长
  • B. 不懂得历史和数学,就等于生命失去了大部分灵魂
  • C. 掌握的知识和技能要能够学以致用,否则大而不当
  • D. 拥有实践能力比掌握理论知识重要,所以要善于实践
标记 纠错


根据上述定义,下列选项中属于矩阵对策的是(  )。

  • A. 在进入奥运女子排球决赛后,某国家队重新安排队员阵容和出场顺序
  • B. 齐王和田忌按原条件重新赛马,并约定每局比赛须用同等级的马参赛
  • C. 劳资双方进行薪资谈判,经过反复的讨价还价,最终双方都作出让步
  • D. 丈夫要去踢球,妻子要去看电影,儿子要去游乐园,最后三人去郊游
标记 纠错

下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(  )。

  • A. 当上级决定把这次飞行任务交给我们时,我们立刻产生一种非常光荣的感觉,真是难以形容
  • B. 采取各种办法,大力提高和培养工人的现代技术水平,是加快制造业发展的一件迫在眉睫的大事
  • C. 这家乒乓球馆设施齐全,可为乒乓球爱好者提供不同档次的球台、球拍、球衣、球鞋等乒乓器材。
  • D. 政治体制能不能与日益市场化的经济体制相适应,是当今中国能否实现社会和谐的关键问题。
标记 纠错

对奇迹的盼望是人类的普遍心理,而文学本身就是理想化的,两者相互契合。而且,我们的生活、我们的世界,也充满了__________。当然,也不能“奇”得离谱,应该看起来出人意料,仔细琢磨起来却 __________ 。

填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是(  )。

  • A. 传奇别有滋味
  • B. 神秘合情合理
  • C. 迷惑恰如其分
  • D. 起落一波三折
标记 纠错


这段文字意在说明(  )。

  • A. 不要在意失去.失去的已不属于自己
  • B. 只要我们有积极进取的心态,遗憾也会变得可爱
  • C. 与其抱残守缺,不如果断放弃
  • D. 智者善于放弃,善于从损失中看到价值
标记 纠错

下列各句中,没有语病的一项是(  )。

  • A. 对家庭盆栽植物的摆放.专家提出如下建议:五松针、文竹、吊兰之类最好摆在茶几、书桌上比较合适,而橡皮树、丁香、腊梅等最好放在阳台上。
  • B. 在新形势下,我们应该树立新的文化发展观,推进和挖掘文化体制创新和特色文化内涵.着力开发富有时代精神和湖南特色的文化产品。
  • C. 联合国设立“国际家庭日”的目的,是为了促使各国政府和民众更加关注家庭问题,提高家庭问题的警觉性,促进家庭的和睦与幸福。
  • D. 近年来.我省各级政府将群众生活水平是否得到提高和群众利益是否得到维护作为衡量工作得失的主要标准,干部重经济增长、轻群众生活的观念开始改变。
标记 纠错


填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是(  )。

  • A. 极端日暮途穷
  • B. 短视雪上加霜
  • C. 消极祸不单行
  • D. 连带内外交困
标记 纠错






⑥谥号制度的形成,传统说法是西周早期,即《逸周书·谥法解》中提到的“周公制谥”。将以上6个句子重新排列,语序正确的是(  )。

  • A. ④②⑤⑥③①
  • B. ②④⑤⑥①③
  • C. ④②⑥⑤①③
  • D. ②④⑥⑤③①
标记 纠错









将以上8个句子重新排列,语序正确的是(  )。

  • A. ①⑧⑦⑤⑥③②④
  • B. ⑦⑤⑥①③⑧②④
  • C. ⑦⑤⑥③①⑧②④
  • D. ①③⑧⑦⑤⑥②④
标记 纠错

有四个数,其中每三个数的和分别是45、46、49、52,那么这四个数中最小的一个数是多少?(  )

  • A. 22
  • B. 12
  • C. 15
  • D. 16
标记 纠错

今天是星期六,10100天后是星期几?(  )

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
标记 纠错

8.52-7.52+6.52+5.52+4.52-3.52+2.52-1.52的值为(  )。

  • A. 38
  • B. 40
  • C. 42
  • D. 44
标记 纠错


1,3,4,9,10,12,…。那么,第60个数是(  )。

  • A. 363
  • B. 361
  • C. 360
  • D. 355
标记 纠错

观察给定的几个图.寻找它们的规律,问号处应该填入的图为(  )。


  • A. 见图A
  • B. 见图B
  • C. 见图C
  • D. 见图D
标记 纠错

求和式3+33+333+…+33…3(10个3)计算结果的万位数字是(  )。

  • A. 5
  • B. 2
  • C. 3
  • D. 0
标记 纠错

办公室有甲、乙、丙、丁4位同志,甲比乙大5岁,丙比丁大2岁。丁三年前参加工作,当时22岁。他们四人现在的年龄之和为l27岁。那么乙现在的年龄是(  )岁。

  • A. 25
  • B. 27
  • C. 35
  • D. 40
标记 纠错

观察给定的几组数字,寻找它们的规律,问号处应该填入的数字为(  )。


  • A. 见图A
  • B. 见图B
  • C. 见图C
  • D. 见图D
标记 纠错

(300+301+302+…+397)-(100+101+…+197)=(  )。

  • A. 19000
  • B. 19200
  • C. 19400
  • D. 19600
标记 纠错






2008-2011年,我国平均每单位发电设备装机容量的发电量比上年高的年份有几个?(  )

  • A. 1
  • B. 2
  • C. 3
  • D. 4
标记 纠错

与2010年相比,2011年全国电厂发电设备装机容量增量最大的是(  )。

  • A. 水电
  • B. 火电
  • C. 核电
  • D. 风电
标记 纠错

2007-2011年间全国全口径发电量同比增量最高的一年中,发电设备装机容量约比上年增长了多少亿千瓦?(  )

  • A. 0.78
  • B. 0.82
  • C. 0.88
  • D. 0.94
标记 纠错

与2010年相比,2011年全国的水电发电量约(  )。

  • A. 上升6.5%
  • B. 上升11.7%
  • C. 下降2.2%
  • D. 下降3.5%
标记 纠错

关于我国发电状况,下列说法与资料相符的是(  )。

  • A. 2011年我国水电每单位装机容量的发电量低于火电
  • B. 2007-2009年间.我国平均每天发电量高于100亿千瓦时
  • C. 2011年我国核电发电量同比增长率低于全口径发电量同比增长率
  • D. 2007-2011年,我国发电装机容量和发电量同比增长均超过10%的年份只有1年
标记 纠错





2010年年末北京市金融机构本外币存款余额是2008年年末的(  )。

  • A. 130%
  • B. 107%
  • C. 1.22倍
  • D. 1.33倍
标记 纠错

2010年年末北京市股票市场新开户(  )万。

  • A. 134.6
  • B. 189.4
  • C. 177.2
  • D. 125.5
标记 纠错

2010年北京市保险公司平均原保险保费收入比2009年(  )。

  • A. 多1成
  • B. 多7.7%
  • C. 少6.3%
  • D. 少7.7%
标记 纠错

下列说法中正确的是(  )。




  • A. I、Ⅲ
  • B. Ⅱ、Ⅲ
  • C. I、Ⅱ、Ⅲ
  • D. I、Ⅱ
标记 纠错

2010年北京市各类保险赔付支出比重中,增长最快的业务增加了(  )个百分点。

  • A. 6.3
  • B. 9.9
  • C. 5.7
  • D. 15.9
标记 纠错








2009-2011间,全国规模以上工业企业约有(  )万家。

  • A. 2.41
  • B. 29.86
  • C. 24.08
  • D. 2.99
标记 纠错

开展创新活动的企业较为密集的行业主要分布在(  )。

  • A. 纺织业
  • B. 电力、燃气及水的生产、供应业
  • C. 医药制造业
  • D. 采矿业
标记 纠错

东部地区开展创新活动企业的数量达6.1万家,占全国开展创新活动规模以上工业企业的(  )。

  • A. 9.6%
  • B. 31.6%
  • C. 28%
  • D. 70.9%
标记 纠错

2011年我国全部工业制成品出口额为(  )亿元。

  • A. 72998.3
  • B. 1033.7
  • C. 9720.5
  • D. 39606.1
标记 纠错

下列说法正确的是(  )。

  • A. 全国近两成的工业企业开展了创新活动
  • B. 开展创新活动企业数量所占比重随企业规模由小到大依次递减
  • C. 企业资金是创新经费的主要来源
  • D. 表明企业规模越小.创新活动的成效越强
标记 纠错

1994年5月2 日,中国银行香港分行在香港首次成功地发行了港元钞票,成为在香港参与港元发行的第(  )家发钞行,得到了当地社会各界的广泛认同,反应热烈。这不仅是中国银行发展史上的一件大事,也是香港货币发行史上的一件盛事。

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
标记 纠错

国务院总理李克强2013年11月13日主持召开国务院常务会议,部署深入贯彻党的十八届三中全会精神,要求进一步抓好今年年度改革任务落实,全面深化改革,使经济社会发展(  )。

  • A. 更有效率、更加公正、更可持续
  • B. 更有效益、更加公平、更可持续
  • C. 更有效益、更加公正、更可持续
  • D. 更有效率、更加公平、更可持续
标记 纠错

当市场价格高于合约的执行价格时,看涨期权的买方会选择(  )。

  • A. 放弃合约
  • B. 执行期权
  • C. 延长期权
  • D. 终止期权
标记 纠错

下列选项中不属于期间费用的是(  )。

  • A. 管理费用
  • B. 制造费用
  • C. 销售费用
  • D. 财务费用
标记 纠错

认为长期利率只是人们所预期的短期利率的平均值。该观点源自于利率期限结构理论的是(  )。

  • A. 预期理论
  • B. 市场分割理论
  • C. 流动性溢价理论
  • D. 期限优先理论
标记 纠错

(  )是中国银行在民生综合金融服务领域提供的系列产品与服务方案之一,主要为基本养老保险各级政府主管部门及参保人员提供个人权益信息查询管理服务。

  • A. 颐享阳光卡
  • B. 安愉人生。
  • C. 社保e点通
  • D. 慧财人民币养老无忧
标记 纠错

商业银行在资产负债综合管理中,致力于实现资产与负债在期限上的匹配。这是商业银行进行(  )管理的举措。

  • A. 信用风险
  • B. 市场风险
  • C. 操作风险
  • D. 流动性风险
标记 纠错

2013年10月15日,中国银行(加拿大)(  )分行近日开业,成为中国银行在加拿大设立的第11家分支机构。自此,中国银行营业网点基本覆盖加拿大主要经济中心。

  • A. 温哥华
  • B. 蒙特利尔
  • C. 多伦多
  • D. 渥太华
标记 纠错

国家主席习近平于2013年10月4日在马来西亚国家皇宫会见马来西亚最高元首哈利.姆。马来西亚已成为中国在东盟第(  )大贸易伙伴,两国合作日益紧密,共同利益日益扩大。

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
标记 纠错

根据《中华人民共和国合同法》的规定,当事人互负债务,有先后履行顺序,先履行一方未履行的,后履行一方有权拒绝其履行要求。该项权利是(  )。

  • A. 同时履行抗辩权
  • B. 抵销权
  • C. 不安抗辩权
  • D. 先履行抗辩权
标记 纠错

如果某投资者年初投入1000元进行投资,年利率8%,按复利每季度计息一次,则第一年年末该投资者的终值为(  )元。

  • A. 1026.93
  • B. 1080.00
  • C. 1082.43
  • D. 1360.49
标记 纠错

在效用水平不变的条件下,随着一种商品消费数量的逐渐增加,消费者为获得这种商品的额外消费而愿意放弃的另一种商品的消费数量会越来越少,这一现象在经济学上称为(  )。

  • A. 消费者收入均衡规律
  • B. 基数效用递减规律
  • C. 边际效用递减规律
  • D. 商品边际替代率递减规律
标记 纠错

当一个地区出现相关指标表现为(  )时,说明该地区的经济发展水平比较低。

  • A. 基尼系数的值越小.其数值越接近0
  • B. 洛伦兹曲线越近似于一条直线
  • C. 恩格尔系数越接近于1
  • D. 菲利普斯曲线近似于一条直线
标记 纠错

在货币均衡分析中,用来描述在货币市场均衡状态下收入和利率之间相互关系的曲线是(  )。

  • A. BP曲线
  • B. J曲线
  • C. IS曲线
  • D. LM曲线
标记 纠错

(  )是中国银行专门面向从事种植业、养殖业、林业、农产品收购、加工行业等农村产业链的个体经营户发放的,用于解决经营过程中资金需求的个人投资经营贷款。

  • A. 金穗惠农卡
  • B. 金钥匙
  • C. 益农贷
  • D. 安心宝
标记 纠错

通货膨胀实质上是一种货币现象,表现为商品和生产要素价格总水平在一定时期内(  )。

  • A. 持续下降
  • B. 持续上升
  • C. 间歇性下降
  • D. 间歇性上升
标记 纠错

在金融衍生品市场上,以风险对冲为主要交易目的的市场参与者是(  )。

  • A. 套期保值者
  • B. 投机者
  • C. 套利者
  • D. 经纪人
标记 纠错

可以用于判断两种商品或者服务是否具有替代关系或互补关系的指标是(  )。

  • A. 需求价格弹性
  • B. 需求交叉弹性
  • C. 供给价格弹性
  • D. 需求收入弹性
标记 纠错

2013年2月25 日,国务院批转《关于深化(  )制度改革的若干意见》,该文件指出适度提高中共中央企业国有资本收益上缴比例,用于社会保障民生支出。

  • A. 收入分配
  • B. 分配公平
  • C. 收入平等
  • D. 社会民生
标记 纠错

法国巴黎当地时间2013年11月5 日 16时许(北京时间5日23时许),中国教育部副部长、中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会主任(  )当选联合国教科文组织第三十七届大会主席。

  • A. 郝平
  • B. 袁贵仁
  • C. 周济
  • D. 万钢
标记 纠错

在美国的“次贷危机”中,很多依靠从银行借人次级贷款来购买住房的人,到期不能还本付息。这种情形对于发放次级贷款的银行而言,属于该银行承受的(  )。

  • A. 流动性风险
  • B. 操作风险
  • C. 法律风险
  • D. 信用风险
标记 纠错

某企业是以共同出资并通过订立协议的形式组成的,一年以后,由于经营不善,企业倒闭且资不抵债,此时出资人应负的责任是(  )。

  • A. 有限责任
  • B. 有限连带责任
  • C. 仅限于总经理无限连带责任
  • D. 出资人无限连带责任
标记 纠错

“搭便车”现象是对下列各项中(  )的一种形象的比喻。

  • A. 社会福利问题
  • B. 市场失灵问题
  • C. 公共物品问题
  • D. 以上都是
标记 纠错

关于国际货币基金组织贷款的说法,正确的是(  )。

  • A. 该贷款通常没有附加政策条件
  • B. 该贷款种类单一且固定不变
  • C. 减贫与增长贷款是最早设立的一种贷款
  • D. 该贷款主要帮助成员国解决国际收支问题
标记 纠错

以依法可以转让的股票出质的,出质人与质权人应当订立书面合同,并向证券登记机构办理出质登记。质押合同自(  )起生效。

  • A. 签订之日
  • B. 登记之日
  • C. 登记之日后一日
  • D. 合同中约定之日
标记 纠错

欧洲货币市场的交易客体是欧洲货币。下列资金借贷中.属于欧洲货币市场交易的是(  )。

  • A. 不用缴纳存款准备金的居民之间的资金借贷
  • B. 需要缴纳存款准备金的居民之间的资金借贷
  • C. 需要缴纳存款准备金的居民与非居民之间的资金借贷
  • D. 不用缴纳存款准备金的非居民之间的资金借贷
标记 纠错

完全垄断企业实行价格歧视的基本原则是(  )。

  • A. 不同市场上的边际收益相等并且大于边际成本
  • B. 不同市场上的边际收益相等并且等于边际成本
  • C. 不同市场上的平均收益相等并且小于边际成本
  • D. 不同市场上的平均收益相等并且等于边际成本
标记 纠错

根据期望理论,能够影响动机的因素是(  )。

  • A. 情境
  • B. 能力
  • C. 工具
  • D. 人际关系
标记 纠错

在中央银行的职能中,“银行的银行”的职能主要是指(  )。

  • A. 垄断发行货币,调节货币供应量
  • B. 代理国库,对政府融通资金
  • C. 集中保管存款准备金,充当最后贷款人
  • D. 实施货币政策.制定金融法规
标记 纠错

IS-LM曲线的交点表示产品市场和货币市场都达到了均衡。那么交点上方的区域表示的状态是(  )。

  • A. I>S,L>M
  • B. IM
  • C. I>S,L
  • D. I
标记 纠错

当一国出现国际收支逆差进而导致外汇储备不足时,该国可以采取紧缩性货币政策进行调节。这是因为,紧缩性货币政策可以同时导致(  ),从而使国际收支逆差减少,乃至恢复均衡。

  • A. 有支付能力的进口需求减少,国外资本因利率提高而流人
  • B. 有支付能力的进口需求增多,国外资本因利率提高而流人
  • C. 有支付能力的进口需求增多,国内资本因利率下降而流出
  • D. 有支付能力的进口需求减少,国外资本因利率下降而不再流入
标记 纠错

2013年中国国际金融展“金鼎奖”评选中,“中国银行电子银行”获得的奖项是(  )。

  • A. “年度优秀金融品牌奖”
  • B. “优秀中小企业金融服务奖”
  • C. “金鼎奖一优秀解决方案奖”
  • D. “优秀金融机具奖”
标记 纠错

2006年6月1日,中国银行股份有限公司在(  )成功上市。

  • A. 上海证券交易所
  • B. 香港联合交易所
  • C. 深圳证券交易所
  • D. 纽约证券交易所
标记 纠错

2013年中国已成为世界(  )货物贸易大国。2013年,中国货物进出口总额为4.16万亿美元,其中出口额2.21万亿美元,进日额1.95万亿美元。

  • A. 第一
  • B. 第二
  • C. 第三
  • D. 第四
标记 纠错

关于投资乘数的说法,正确的是(  )。

  • A. 投资乘数是平均储蓄倾向的倒数
  • B. 投资乘数是边际储蓄倾向的倒数
  • C. 投资乘数是边际消费倾向的倒数
  • D. 投资乘数是平均消费倾向的倒数
标记 纠错

(  )年,国民政府公布了《中国银行条例》24条,明确中国银行经国民政府特许为国际汇兑银行。此次改组成为中国银行发展历史上的重要转折点。

  • A. 1927
  • B. 1928
  • C. 1929
  • D. 1930
标记 纠错

最新全球超级计算机500强排行榜榜单,中国国防科学技术大学研制的(  )以比第二名——美国的“泰坦”快近一倍的速度再度登上榜首。

  • A. “天河一号”
  • B. “天河二号”
  • C. “天河三号”
  • D. “天河四号”
标记 纠错

下列资产项目中,流动性最强的是(  )。

  • A. 存货
  • B. 固定资产
  • C. 长期股权投资
  • D. 应收票据
标记 纠错

财政政策是指(  )。

  • A. 政府管理价格的手段
  • B. 周期性变化的预算
  • C. 为使政府收支平衡的手段
  • D. 利用税收、支出和债务管理等政策来实现国民收入的预期水平
标记 纠错

2012年以来.欧洲债务危机仍在进一步恶化。有关欧债危机产生原因中,不正确的表述是(  )。

  • A. 希腊等主权债务危机较为严重的国家长期奉行高福利政策
  • B. 欧元区国家内部经济发展水平不平衡,成员国的经济增长和发展模式存在较大差异
  • C. 国际投机资本及评级机构的推波助澜加深了欧债危机
  • D. 在欧元区,各成员国采取独立的货币政策,加大了统一协调处理危机的难度
标记 纠错

企业的资金运动由各个环节组成,它不包括(  )。

  • A. 资金投入
  • B. 资金运用
  • C. 资金退出
  • D. 资金增值
标记 纠错

All who completed the voluntary __________ on Friday will receive a certificate recognizing their participation.

  • A. train
  • B. trained
  • C. training
  • D. trainable
标记 纠错

The advisory committee__________announced that up to thirty percent of the company's workforce would have to be let go.

  • A. regrettable
  • B. regretfully
  • C. regret
  • D. regretful
标记 纠错

Many people who read the document complained that it included too much information that was not __________ to the main issue.

  • A. relevant
  • B. outward
  • C. equivalent
  • D. opposite
标记 纠错

Mr. Gable will not approve the purchase until his supervisor conducts a __________review of the contract.

  • A. comprehension
  • B. comprehend
  • C. comprehensive
  • D. comprehending
标记 纠错

According to recent reports, the numbers of __________in Allenton is expected to double by the year 2010.

  • A. manufacturers
  • B. manufacturing
  • C. manufactured
  • D. manufactures
标记 纠错

The employees requested that the presentation begin__________ at 7:00 and that it last no longer than one hour.

  • A. promptly
  • B. willingly
  • C. abruptly
  • D. recently
标记 纠错

If you have any __________ about the products on display, one of our salespeople will be happy to assist you.

  • A. incidents
  • B. instances
  • C. inquiries
  • D. innovations
标记 纠错

According to the promotional flyer, this year's convention on international trade issues promises to be a very__________ event.

  • A. informing
  • B. information
  • C. informative
  • D. inform
标记 纠错

If the rain __________ any longer, several heavily populated areas of the city would be underwater right now.

  • A. had lasted
  • B. was lasting
  • C. lasted
  • D. will last
标记 纠错

If your computer__________ .experience any problems within the warranty period, you can take it to an authorized repair center free of charge.

  • A. will
  • B. should
  • C. had
  • D. would
标记 纠错

Research recently conducted on the side effects of the medication __________ that it should not be prescribed to diabetic patients.

  • A. has found
  • B. has been found
  • C. finds
  • D. was finding
标记 纠错

Market research shows that few consumers actually__________ prices before selecting their groceries in the store.

  • A. renew
  • B. submit
  • C. compare
  • D. collect
标记 纠错

Mr. Tamil believes that his strategy for increasing advertising revenues will be successful,but his supervisor has requested that he research alternative__________ .

  • A. agendas
  • B. samples
  • C. displays
  • D. methods
标记 纠错

All of the machinery must be carefully inspected before production at the plant is allowed to__________ .

  • A. inhibit
  • B. comply
  • C. motivate
  • D. proceed
标记 纠错

Advertisements that__________ the travel agency's newest package vacations will air on radio and television stations tomorrow evening.

  • A. promote
  • B. overlook
  • C. submit
  • D. admire
标记 纠错

Mr. Jones has been accused of distributing several important __________ memorandums to persons outside the company.

  • A. integral
  • B. independent
  • C. incapable
  • D. internal
标记 纠错

The procurement manager is relieved that the new software he bought will be __________with the existing IT system.

  • A. compatible
  • B. feasible
  • C. believable
  • D. receivable
标记 纠错

Workers maintain that the company's __________to implement modern safety regulations puts everyone in the factory at risk of injury.

  • A. discouragement
  • B. indecision
  • C. unwillingness
  • D. hindrance
标记 纠错

Please make sure all items have been __________ from the desks before the new employees arrive next week.

  • A. removed
  • B. remove
  • C. removes
  • D. removing
标记 纠错

If you have not received__________ of your order within two business days, please contact our customer service center.

  • A. confirmation
  • B. resignation
  • C. preparation
  • D. expectation
标记 纠错

By __________ a cheaper material for the steel in our products, we can greatly reduce manufacturing costs.

  • A. substituting
  • B. replacing
  • C. alternating
  • D. displacing
标记 纠错

One of the more__________ results of the price increase was an initial drop in sales.

  • A. confusing
  • B. beneficial
  • C. respected
  • D. obvious
标记 纠错

Ms. Richards, the store manager,__________ offered a refund to the dissatisfied customer because she could see that the product was faulty.

  • A. frequently
  • B. kindly
  • C. totally
  • D. largely
标记 纠错

Within just six weeks of the safety program's__________ , on-the-job accidents had dropped by almost 30%.

  • A. launch
  • B. staff
  • C. limitation
  • D. touch
标记 纠错

The majority of those who attended the meeting remained __________ throughout the entirety of the exciting presentation.

  • A. captivating
  • B. captivation
  • C. captivated
  • D. captivates
标记 纠错

We will lose almost half of our accumulated pension funds if the merger__________ according to the current plan.

  • A. proceeds
  • B. was proceeding
  • C. proceeded
  • D. will proceed
标记 纠错

Consumers appreciate that Reston Home Appliances offers a five-year full warranty on this particular__________.

  • A. product
  • B. productivity
  • C. produce
  • D. production
标记 纠错

Troubled corporations must sometimes declare bankruptcy when the level of their debt becomes__________ .

  • A. unmanageable
  • B. distinctive
  • C. indirect
  • D. impatient
标记 纠错

Applications for the Hamilton School of Business scholarship must __________by June 1 in order to be considered.

  • A. be mailing
  • B. mails
  • C. be mailed
  • D. mail
标记 纠错

Questions concerning shipping costs of delivery times should be directed to the__________ ,not the manufacturing firm.

  • A. distribution
  • B. distribute
  • C. distributor
  • D. distributing
标记 纠错

The release date for the documentary film about life in America is__________ , but the producer still has a lot of work to do.

  • A. approached
  • B. approaching
  • C. to approach
  • D. approach
标记 纠错

Had the town's residents been allowed to vote on the measure, it surely__________.

  • A. would be passing
  • B. would have passed
  • C. passed
  • D. would pass
标记 纠错

William was pleased to see the executives respond so__________to the proposal he had been working on.

  • A. frustratingly
  • B. enthusiastically
  • C. simply
  • D. indifferently
标记 纠错

If the exchange rate with the dollar continues to drop,__________the country's businesses will certainly lose money.

  • A. much
  • B. much of
  • C. many
  • D. many of
标记 纠错

Expansion at Everall

After four consecutive years of record-breaking growth, Everall Technologies has announced plans to 41 its office facilities on Warner Road. The company has added over 200 employees in the last ten years alone, and is desperately in need of more space.

According to an Everall spokesperson, the construction firm chosen to undertake the project is Build Lite Inc., and the work is estimated to take a little over a year to complete.42in the plans are a four-storey sales center, an auditorium with seating for 500, and a parking lot able to accommodate up to 1,200 vehicles. Both Everall and Build Lite have declined to43the cost of the project at this time. However, independent analysts predict it could reach over $10 million.



  • A. submit
  • B. expand
  • C. release
  • D. organize
标记 纠错


  • A. Included
  • B. Include
  • C. Inclusion
  • D. Including
标记 纠错


  • A. withdraw
  • B. disclose
  • C. reimburse
  • D. answer
标记 纠错

March 3,2006

Asa Mitchell

7690 Cardinal Hill #34

Melbourne, Victoria

Dear Mr. Mitchell,

I have the great privilege of inviting you to the sixteenth annual Fight Cancer Foundation(FCF) celebrator dinner and fundraiser on the evening of March 21. We have had tremendous success over the last year in collecting donations and forwarding them to organizations committed 47 a cure for cancer. Come help us celebrate that success!

This will be a black-tie event, and all of FCF's board members and executives will be48.

Dinner, drinks, and musical entertainment will be provided. Ordinarily, tickets to this event cost $100 per person. However, as a regular and generous contributor to our worthy cause, you will receive two tickets absolutely49All guests will of course have the opportunity to make additional donations at the dinner. We at the Fight Cancer Foundation thank you for your support,and we hope you can join us on March 21st.


Valerie Sobetzki



  • A. to finding
  • B. finding
  • C. to find
  • D. find
标记 纠错


  • A. in attendance
  • B. at attention
  • C. with attending
  • D. to attendant
标记 纠错


  • A. free charges
  • B. freely charged
  • C. free of charge
  • D. free to charge
标记 纠错


As of June 1st,2006, the Trenton County Department of Park Services is instituting the following rules50acceptable activities and behavior in Winfred Park:

1. As in all Trenton County parks, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly

prohibited. Also, open fires are not permitted under any circumstances. Food may only be cooked using the designated barbecue pits located at each picnic area.

2. Visitors wishing to hold a gathering of twenty-five people or more must first51with and receive a permit from the Trenton Country Department of Park Services. The cost of a large gathering permit is $10.

3. All minors swimming in Winfred Stream must be supervised by an adult. Please use52 when swimming, as currents and water levels can change quickly without warning. Questions con-cerning these regulations should be directed by phone, email, or letter to Jeremy Bodo, superinten-dent of the Trenton County Department of Park Services.



  • A. outlining
  • B. inputting
  • C. withdrawing
  • D. uplifting
标记 纠错


  • A. allow
  • B. accompany
  • C. register
  • D. follow
标记 纠错


  • A. notice
  • B. caution
  • C. limitation
  • D. difficulty
标记 纠错

Economic Recovery on the Way

Economic experts are predicting that the poorly performing domestic economy will recover in the next financial quarter. After months of economic recession, local companies 44 to make larger profits. Ted Wilder, a leading authority in the field, suggests that the reasons for the positive outlook can largely be attributed to recent 45.

Laws enacted by the federal government last month granting benefits and subsidies to the manufacturing industry have greatly increased production, leading to record numbers of goods being shipped overseas. The 46 in exports is also having a positive impact on the rest of the economy.



  • A. are expected
  • B. have expected
  • C. is expected
  • D. had expected
标记 纠错


  • A. finance
  • B. assistance
  • C. fortune
  • D. legislation
标记 纠错


  • A. resolution
  • B. surge
  • C. niche
  • D. tariff
标记 纠错


February 18th

Ruth Waiter

2921 Cypress Lane

Smithfield, UT 00375

Dear Ms. Walter,

It has come to our attention that you have failed to remit payment for service provided during the two billing periods of 7/15--8/14 and 9/15--10/14 last year.

Our records indicate that multiple bills for these periods have been sent to your address with-out reply. At this point, we are regrettably required to take stronger measures. If by April 15 we have not received payment in full, including all late fees charged, we will be forced to terminate service to your residence.

For further information about this action, or to verify the amount of your outstanding balance,please call our Customer Service Center at 1-888-555-3802, or write to the following address:

Accounts Payable Division

Northern Utah Gas & Power

55755 State Highway 16

Logan, UT 00378

February 27th

Accounts Payable Division

Northern Utah Gas & Power

55755 State Highway 16

Logan, UT 00378

Service representative,

I recently received a notification of outstanding charges on my account. I am very confused and distressed by the situation outlined in your letter.

First of all, I am certain that I paid for all services during the two billing period in question.

The payments were on time and for the correct amount. I used your company's automated tele-phone billing system and paid with my credit card. I am including transaction receipts from my credit card company that list these payments and the dates on which they were processed by your company.

After I had paid then, I did receive multiple bills for the periods 7/15 --8/14 and 9/15 --10/14 as stated in your letter. I tried repeatedly to report this error to your company via the cus-tomer service email system, but I never received a response. I am also attaching copies of these e-mails for your review.

These documents clearly show that I have made all payments in a timely fashion, and I hope they will help you resolve this situation. If you have any more questions for me, please contact me by phone (555-7690) or email (rwalt79@mzmail.com).

Ruth Walter

Why did Northern Utah Gas & Power write to Ms.Walter?

  • A. To announce recent changes to its available services
  • B. To notify her of a new policy regarding late fees
  • C. To apologize for overcharging her account
  • D. To inform her of penalties she may be subject to
标记 纠错

What does the first letter require Ms. Walter to do?

  • A. Call the Customer Service Center
  • B. Sent payment to the utilities firm
  • C. Review two bills from last year
  • D. Verify her account balance
标记 纠错

What is the purpose of Ms. Walter's letter?

  • A. To ask about the automated billing system
  • B. To update her contact information
  • C. To report receiving duplicate bills
  • D. To challenge the company's assertions
标记 纠错

What will accompany Ms. Waiter's letter?

  • A. Credit card and email records
  • B. Payment of late fees
  • C. Her business card
  • D. Copies of two billing statements
标记 纠错

According to her letter, what action did Ms. Walter take?

  • A. She called the company to complain
  • B. She paid her bills by telephone
  • C. She emailed her credit card company
  • D. She sent payments for late fees
标记 纠错


Bruce Healey, Treasurer

Oberton Community Council

111 Wilow Street, #501

Oberton, KY

July 17th,2006

Dear local entrepreneurs,

At the last Oberton Community Council meeting, town residents voted to install an outdoor swimming pool on the grounds of the Oberton Community and Recreation Center. However, we need your help in order to make this resolution a reality.

Beginning August 1st, the Oberton Community Council will be collecting donations from area businesses. There are three contribution levels, and contributors at each level will receive recogni-tion and prizes as specified below:

Level 1 ($50-$199): A mention in the monthly Oberton Community Newsletter

Level 2 ($200-$499): Above + a gift certificate to an area restaurant

Level 3($500+): Above + a reserved seat for the opening ceremony for the new swimming


Remember, Oberton residents are counting on your support! For information on how to con-tribute, contact me directly at 555-2911, or simply mail your donation in the form of a check or money order to the address at the top of this letter.

Thank you,Bruce Healey

To whom was the letter sent?

  • A. Residents of Oberton
  • B. A construction company in Oberton
  • C. Members of the Oberton Community Council
  • D. Business owners in Oberton
标记 纠错


Summer Travel Sale

North Sun Airlines is proud to bring you its annual Summer Travel Sale! As usual, fights be-tween selected cities in the U.S. and Canada are on sale for as low as $44 each way. Fares this low can't last long, so visit our website or call a customer service operator and book your tickets today!

Prices below apply to travel beginning May 21st,2006. Travel must be completed by October lst,2006. Tickets must be purchased by May 1st to be eligible for the sale.

Sample One-way Summer Sales Fares

Minneapolis to Winnipeg $44

Pittsburgh to Toronto $64

Sacramento to Victoria $64

Omaha to Denver$94

Detroit to Ottawa $94

Cleveland to Toronto $94

Toronto to Dallas $94

Columbus to Quebec City$104

Philadelphia to Ottawa$104

San Jose to San Antonio$114

What is true about North Sun Airlines?

  • A. It offers worldwide flights
  • B. It is based in the United States
  • C. It holds a sale every summer
  • D. It sells cheap round-trip tickets
标记 纠错

How much do the majority of one way sales fights probably cost?

  • A. Less than $44
  • B. Between $44 and $64
  • C. Around $100
  • D. More than $100
标记 纠错



The Best New Restaurant Town!!

1145 Whittaker Road

Delicious food, low prices! Check out these great deals!

Lunch Special #1:

1 hamburger or hot dog,1 order of French fries, and 1 drink for only $4.25!

Lunch Special #2:

2 hamburgers or barbecue plates,2 orders of French fries, and 2 drinks for only $7.50!

Family Dinner Special:

4 sandwiches, hamburgers, or barbecue plates and 4 drinks for only $15.99!

( Deals valid Monday through Friday,11:00-14:00 for lunch and 17:00-19:30 for dinner.)

What is true about Julie's Snack Bar?

  • A. It is preparing to go out of business
  • B. It used to be located on Whittaker Road
  • C. It has not been in business for long
  • D. It is not open in the evenings
标记 纠错

When can customers order Lunch Special #2?

  • A. Friday at 10:30
  • B. Thursday at 13:30
  • C. Saturday at 12:00
  • D. Monday at 17:00
标记 纠错


Interspeed Moves In

Lofton City residents will soon have yet another option when it comes to Internet service. The Sacramento-based finn Interspeed is planning to extend its service area to include commercial and residential districts in Lofton City starting next month.

Competition in the telecommunications industry is fierce, with two major national providers already established in Lofton City and surrounding areas. However, Interspeed is confident of suc-cess, according to Art Wang, a company spokesperson.

"Interspeed is going to offer consumers in Lofton City something new: top-of-the-line Internet

service at affordable prices," stated Wang.

While he decided to quote specific rates, it is assumed that Interspeed's basic service plan will cost consumers $18.95 a month, the same as the company charges in its other service areas.

This would undercut the price of the current cheapest plan available in Lofton City, offered by WireTech, and would be well below the $27.49 charged by Imex Systems, Inc., for its most popular plan.

May 18

Editorial Department

Lofton City Herald

1154 Burton Rd.

Lofton City, CA

Dear Sir or Madame,

I am writing in response to your article of May 16 entitled "Interspeed Moves In". I was very disappointed to see incorrect information presented about my company. Imex Systems, Inc.

In your analysis of interspeed, you compared the price of its cheapest and most basic service plan to that of our most popular plan. However, because our best-selling service happens to be a high-speed option, the comparison was flawed and gave the false impression that Imex is a much more expensive provider than interspeed. If you had researched our prices, you would have seen that our basic plan costs $19.99 a month, which is nearly the same as the Interspeed plan you cited.

Needless to say, we here at Imex are concerned about the effects this misinformation could have on our business. We expect your paper to take responsibility for the error and print a correc- tion and apology as soon as possible. I would ask that you please contact me at 1-511-555-8011, so I may provide you with accurate information about the pricing of our services.

Thank you,

Candice Rigalotta

Public Relations Department

Imex System, Inc.

What is the article mainly about?

  • A. A breakthrough in Internet technology
  • B. Three business in Lofton City
  • C. A company's planned expansion
  • D. Trends in telecommunications
标记 纠错

Who is Art Wang?

  • A. An employee with Imex Systems, Inc
  • B. A representative of Interspeed
  • C. A reporter for the Lofton City Herald
  • D. A telecommunications expert
标记 纠错

What is the purpose of Ms. Rigalotta's letter?

  • A. To notify a client of a billing error
  • B. To describe a new Internet service offer
  • C. To ask that a mistake be corrected
  • D. To request a copy of an article
标记 纠错

What is true about Imex System Inc.?

  • A. Many of its customers have a high speed connection
  • B. It was the first Internet service provider in Lofton City
  • C. The prices of many of its items were recently reduced
  • D. It offers cheaper Internet Service than Interspeed
标记 纠错

What does the letter require Lofton City Herald to do?

  • A. Write an article about WireTech
  • B. Offer a discounted subscription
  • C. Telephone Candice Rigalotta
  • D. Publish an ad for Imex Systems
标记 纠错


Telephone Billing Statement -- City Phone Cellular

City Phone Cellular

Department of Billing Services

51 Dublin St., Suite 301

Springfield, WI

Invoice Date: 08-15-2006

Payment Due Date: 09-14-2006

Customer Information

Name: Desire Eberhardt

Account Number: 10003483-FFT

Account Information

Current Charges: $61.59

Outstanding Balance: $35.08

Total Amount Owed: $96.67

Pay your bill online at www.cpcellular.com and receive a discount of 3% before taxes are added. If you have questions about this or other City Phone Cellular policies, please contact our customer service department at 1-888-349-5959.

Billing SummaryAmount Owed

Current Charges:

City Phone Premium Cellular Package$49.95

State Taxes$5.65

Service Fee $5.99

Total Current Charges $61.59

Previous Charges:

Balance as of Last Month $55.08

Payment Received Last Month $20.00

Outstanding Balance $35.08

Total Amount Owed $96.67

How can City Phone Cellular customers receive a discount?

  • A. By applying for an account online
  • B. By paying their balance early
  • C. By calling the customer service department
  • D. By paying over the Interact
标记 纠错


Outstanding career opportunity in costume design

A well-established theater production company is looking for a talented, professional costume designer, with the possibility of a promotion to head designer in our costume department.

A university graduate is preferred, particular a degree in a field related to design. Experience in recreating period garments will distinguish a candidate from other applicants, as our next season includes a performance set in 16th century England. Knowledge of set design is also a plus.

The successful candidate will have a three-month trial period before full-time employment is offered. Salary is commensurate with experience.

To apply, send a cover letter and resume with detailed qualifications and a brief personal pro-file before August 12th to:

The Lotus Flower Theater Company

5565 Radison Ave. Kingston, ON

H2W 1D9

Or send by email to: manager@thelotusflower.ca

Only candidates selected for interviews will be contacted. No phone calls please.

What kind of position is the company advertising?

  • A. The lead role for an upcoming production
  • B. Temporary employment in stage design
  • C. A specialist to make theater costumes
  • D. A professor to teach theatrical history
标记 纠错

What qualification is NOT mentioned as a preference?

  • A. Knowledge of stage set design
  • B. Expertise in the history of theater
  • C. Experience in making period costumes
  • D. A university degree in a related field
标记 纠错



Respected employment agency seeks recent graduates for entry-level positions in the field of job recruitment. No experience is required, but you must have a bachelor's degree or higher. De-sired qualities include precision, punctuality, and communication skills. A familiarity with general office computer programs is helpful, but not required. Selected candidates will assist our head-hunters in recruiting personnel for some of the top corporations in America, while earning a guar-anteed salary, unlimited commissions, and invaluable experience. Three weeks of paid training is required.

Don't miss this chance to get out of the job market and into the nation's fastest-growing,most lucrative industry. Interested applicants should contact our Human Resources Department atHR@employco.com or 1-800-937-9924, extension 44.

From: Marshall Nixon

To: HR department

Subject: About the job

To whom it may concern,

I am writing in response to your advertisement for entry-level positions at Employco. As a re-cent college graduate with a degree in Communications, I read your advertisement with great inter-est. With unemployment rates high these days, the employment industry seems more promising than ever. Therefore, I have made it my goal to establish a career at a respected agency in the field.

I am familiar with your firm through your website, which I have used extensively as a re-source in my job search. I have been quite impressed with your agency's customized service for job applicants. Your website offers a refreshing blend of helpful advice, useful information, and straightforward statistics.

In short, I am excited at the prospect of joining your agency as a full-time employee. With my educational background and broad range of experiences, I feel I can make an immediate contribution to Employco. At your earliest possible convenience, please send me more information about your job vacancies and let me know how to begin the application process.


Marshall Nixon

What type of job applicant is this advertisement aimed at?

  • A. Those considering changing jobs
  • B. Recent university graduates
  • C. Anyone looking for a new career
  • D. Experienced employment professionals
标记 纠错

Which of the following is not NOT required of applicants?

  • A. Attention to detail
  • B. A University degree
  • C. Advanced computer skills
  • D. Proficiency in communication
标记 纠错

Why does Mr. Nixson want to begin a career in the employment industry?

  • A. The field has a lot of potential in the future
  • B. He has been unable to find employment elsewhere
  • C. He has just completed a college course in that field
  • D. The employment industry is the most stable in the nation
标记 纠错

What kind of experience does Mr. Nixon have with Eployco?

  • A. He worked for it in the past
  • B. He has used its website before
  • C. He is currently one of its headhunters
  • D. He was disappointed with its service
标记 纠错


Majestic Ocean Cruise Lines

Offer valid: June-August 2006

Enjoy a 15-days journey aboard the Diamond Cruiser as you explore the warm waters of the Caribbean. Participate in exciting activities on the various islands by day, and relax among the five-star attractions of this luxurious ship by night. Onboard facilities include four restaurant dining options with full bars, two performance stages, a casino, library, swimming pool, sauna, and five sunbathing decks, as well as laundry and medical services. All cabins feature air condition, private bathroom, and outstanding views.

Tour prices include:

Accommodation in our comfortable cabins

Tours, activities, and meals on our eight island stopovers

All meals aboard the Diamond Cruiser, excluding alcoholic beverages

All onboard performance and entertainment fees

Transfer to and from the ship at the port

A complimentary stack of chips for use at the ship's casino

Price levels:

Standard (standard-size single or double cabin) -- $1,799 per person

Deluxe (deluxe-size single, double, or triple cabin) -- $2,199 per person

Premium (luxury-size cabin, private dining with captain) -- $2,799 per person

What is being advertised?

  • A. A travel package
  • B. An island hotel
  • C. A ferry service
  • D. A new restaurant
标记 纠错


The Hidden Price Tag

For many small or recently established businesses, finding sources of capital can be difficult.

Companies are often in need of funds before they can build a stable customer base, so they are forced to turn to investors. Many such businesses soon discover, however, that this borrowed money can come at a high price. If entrepreneurs are not careful about which investors they do business with, their companies can suffer the consequences.

The most common problem, according to financial experts, are investment deals that allow the investor to take control of key operations away from the company's management. Struggling firms and new businesses facing mounting start-up costs can be easily tempted to take the offer that provides them with the most money, regardless of the deal's conditions.

Unfortunately, the biggest investment usually comes with the most strings attached. For example, some deals give the venture capital finn seats on the board of the company it invests in.

From this position, the investor has the ability to control all aspects of a company's operations,including decisions concerning mergers or sales. This situation may remain tolerable as long as the investor and the management share the same goals. Yet, the investor will inevitably choose to protect its own interests over those of the company, creating a conflict that the company is then helpless to prevent.

The best advice analysts have for businesses seeking investment capital is to thoroughly analyze any deal before agreeing to it. Sometimes, the control that must be given up is worth much more than the money being offered.

Who would be most interested in this article?

  • A. An analyst working for an investment finn
  • B. A member on the board of a successful company
  • C. A representative of a large venture capital group
  • D. An entrepreneur in need of funds for a new business
标记 纠错

Why should the companies be careful about investment deals?

  • A. They do not help build a customer base
  • B. They give too much power to the investor
  • C. They do not give the company enough money
  • D. They encourage the company to merge or sell
标记 纠错

What should management do before accepting outside funding?

  • A. Conduct an in-depth review of the proposal
  • B. Grant seats on the board to the investor
  • C. Discuss the deal with customers
  • D. Consider the reputation of the investor
标记 纠错

The word "conditions" in paragraph 2, line 9 is closet in meaning to__________.

  • A. statuses
  • B. appearances
  • C. demands
  • D. qualities
标记 纠错


Summer Travel Sale

Figures published yesterday in a report on the national housing market show that consumers purchased more new homes in September than in any month yet this year. The increase of 14.1% over last month directly contradicts the predictions of market analysts.

" It was a real shock to most of us," admitted Lashawnda Cassano, chief economist with the firm Capital Resources, LLTG." New-home sales were down so much in August and July that we simply expected the trend to continue. But this changes everything."

The report states that 71,000 homes were sold in the month of September. That is well above the figure of 62,000 sold in August and July's one of 64,000. Previous months had seen the num-ber holding steady at around 68,000. These new numbers are sure to encourage investors, who have been hesitant to put their trust in the country's economy since last spring's downturn. All three national stock markets jumped up at least ten points on the news.

The report is also likely to boost construction of new homes, as builders interpret it as a rise in consumer demand. However, if they react too enthusiastically, they risk flooding the market with new houses. Which couid have the effect of pushing down prices and cutting into the profits of the real estate industry.

What does this article mainly discuss?

  • A. An investment firm's sales figures
  • B. A recession's effect on the real estate industry
  • C. Yesterday's stock market activity
  • D. An economic report's unexpected findings
标记 纠错


January 11,2006

Alan Cosgray

Bureau Secretary

State Bureau of Businesses

P.O. Box 29022

Kingman, VA

RE: Change of Ownership of Big Sky Networks

Dear Mr. Cosgray,

I am writing to inform the bureau of a change in the status of ownership of the company Big Sky Networks, SBB ID#ALR20-34893B. The company was purchased by the international firm Superior Telecommunications on January 1st,2006.

At the time of this merger, there were certain organizational and leadership changes made to Big Sky Networks. This included an alternation to the name of the company, which as of January lst was changed to Superior-Sky Telecommunications. All future correspondence with the State Bureau of Business will be conducted under this title. I have also filed an official Business Name Registration form with Secretary Tanya Maillet of the Virginia Chamber of Commerce.

Please address any further communications regarding this issue to:

Evelyn Deitz, Administration Department

Superior-Sky Telecommunications

Hamilton Building,2009 Camboard Avenue

Lewiston, VA

(230) 555-2421


Carlos Rodrigues Pareja, Regulations Department

Superior Telecommunications

Why was this letter written?

  • A. To apologize for a violation of regulations
  • B. To discuss merger negotiations
  • C. To respond to an offer of membership
  • D. To report on the status of a company
标记 纠错

To which organization did Mr. Pareja submit paperwork?

  • A. Big Sky Networks
  • B. Virginia Chamber of Commerce
  • C. Superior Telecommunications
  • D. State Bureau of Businesses
标记 纠错

Income Tax Form for the Year 2006


Government Identification Number:

Home Address:

1. Total wages earned in 2006 (this information should have been provided by your employer):

2. Amount of tax on income stated on line 1(See Pg.62 of the directions for this form to de-termine the correct tax amount):

3. Tax withheld from pay in 2006(this information should have been provided by your em-ployer):

4. Subtract line 3 from line 2:

5. If line 4 is a negative number, you have overpaid. You will receive a refund in the amount stated on line 4. (See pg.77 of the directions for this form to learn how to receive your refund.)

6. If line 4 is a positive number, this is the amount of income tax you owe (See pg.78 of the directions for this form for possible remittance methods).

Signature: Date:

What is required to complete this form?

  • A. Government authorization
  • B. An identification photo
  • C. Proof of employment
  • D. A separate instructional booklet
标记 纠错

Which of the information should be entered on the form?

  • A. Amount of money earned
  • B. Name of employer
  • C. Remittance method used
  • D. Employee's company address
标记 纠错

Who should consult page 78 of the directions?

  • A. Those who worked for an employer during 2006
  • B. Those who expect to receive a refund from the government
  • C. Those who did not have enough tax withheld from their pay
  • D. Those who are not sure how much they earned in 2006
标记 纠错


Mindful travel, Inc. --Treasures of Egypt

Dates: October 21st——November 5th

Price: from $ 2,190

Stimulate your imagination as you explore Egypt, both old and new. Stand before the great Pyramids of Giza at sunrise. Acquaint yourself with the bustling districts and vibrant culture of the capital city, Carlo. Travel up the majestic Nile River and visit the amazing Valley of the Kings, where you can tour the famous tomb of "King Tut". But best of all, our guide will share their knowledge of these sites with you, helping you to understand both the history and the modem cul-ture of this amazing country. Expand your mind with Mindful Travel, Inc.

Package price does not include airfare to or from Cairo.

Mindful Travel, Inc.

Public Relations Office

11 Derry Lane

London, England

November 9,2006

Dear MT representative,

Having recently returned from your company's Treasure of Egypt tour, I'm happy to report that I had a wonderful time. I don't think I've ever had such an enjoyable and educational vaca-tion. I was particular impressed with how much I learned about history of Egypt, as well as what the country is like today.

All of the guides and other MT employees assisting me during my travels were courteous.

Helpful, and very knowledgeable about the fascinating historical sites that I visited. Please extentmy thanks especially to Mr. Mokhta Said, who guided me around the Valley of the Kings. That was the highlight of my trip.

I'm going to share my experiences with friends and family, and I will definitely suggest that they travel with MT the next time they take a vacation.

Thank you again,

Leila Dora

What is special about Mindful Travel, Inc.?

  • A. It provides educational experiences
  • B. It is based in Cario, Egypt
  • C. It offers the cheapest tour prices
  • D. It employs Egyptian guides
标记 纠错

What must tour participants do?

  • A. Learn about Egypt before departing
  • B. Choose which sites to visit
  • C. Pay in full before starting the tour
  • D. Arrange their transportation to Egypt
标记 纠错

Why did Ms. Dorn write the letter?

  • A. To describe her experiences to her family
  • B. To express her satisfaction with the company
  • C. To request a specific guide for a future tour
  • D. To ask a question about the history of Egypt
标记 纠错

Which site did Ms. Dorn most enjoy?

  • A. The Valley of the Kings
  • B. The Nile River
  • C. The city of Cario
  • D. The pyramids of Giza
标记 纠错

What does Ms. Dorn say she will do?

  • A. Become a guide for tours of Egypt
  • B. Send a more detailed report of her journey
  • C. Contact the MT employees personally
  • D. Recommend the company to her acquaintances
标记 纠错
多选题 (共25题,共25分)

再贴现政策主要包括(  )两方面的内容。

  • A. 调整再贴现利率
  • B. 规定再贴现票据的种类
  • C. 规定再贴现时间
  • D. 调整再贴现手续费
标记 纠错

中央银行一般性货币政策工具主要有(  )。

  • A. 中央银行再贴现率
  • B. 公开市场业务
  • C. 发行股票
  • D. 存款准备金率
标记 纠错

所谓互补品。就是指使用价值上必须相互补偿才能满足人们某种需要的商品。下列各组商品中,属于互为互补品的有(  )。

  • A. 汽车和汽车零件
  • B. 家用电器和电
  • C. 石油和煤炭
  • D. 羽毛球和羽毛球拍
标记 纠错

通货紧缩的危害有(  )。

  • A. 导致经济过热
  • B. 加速经济衰退
  • C. 导致社会财富缩水
  • D. 分配负面效应显现
标记 纠错

在下列总需求的构成部分中,属于内生变量的有(  )。

  • A. 消费需求
  • B. 投资需求
  • C. 政府需求
  • D. 净出口需求
标记 纠错

宏观经济效益与微观经济效益的关系表现在(  )。

  • A. 前者以后者为前提和外在条件
  • B. 后者是前者的基础和实现条件
  • C. 前者是后者的前提和外在条件
  • D. 两者有相互矛盾的一面
标记 纠错

世界经济紧密联系,在国外,市场销售的许多产品是中国制造;在中国,从家电、汽车到服装、食品.洋货到处可见。经济全球化的影响主要表现在(  )。

  • A. 生产全球化
  • B. 贸易全球化
  • C. 企业全球化
  • D. 金融全球化
标记 纠错

下列选项中属于负债类科目的有(  )。

  • A. 应付票据
  • B. 应交税费
  • C. 材料成本差异
  • D. 其他应付款
标记 纠错

中银基金延续2012年以来股债双优的业绩表现,蝉联2013年度“十大金牛基金管理公司”,荣获“金牛基金”称号的基金有(  )。

  • A. 中银中国
  • B. 中银收益
  • C. 中银双利
  • D. 中银货币
标记 纠错

在社会总需求不变的情况下,由于厂商的退出使总供给减少,引起价格上涨,即形成由供给因素变动的通货膨胀,可以归结为两类原因。下列选项中属于两类原因的有(  )。

  • A. 工资推进
  • B. 价格推进
  • C. 利润推进
  • D. 结构调整
标记 纠错

某企业以银行存款支付企业行政管理部门水电费2000元,生产车间水电费500元,采用复式记账法,一方会涉及“银行存款”账户,另一方会涉及的账户是(  )。

  • A. 管理费用
  • B. 制造费用
  • C. 主营业务成本
  • D. 生产成本
标记 纠错

根据麦克里兰提出的三重需要理论,人的核心需要包括(  )。

  • A. 成就需要
  • B. 权力需要
  • C. 亲和需要
  • D. 成长需要
标记 纠错

金融工具的风险一般来源于(  )。

  • A. 信用风险
  • B. 利润风险
  • C. 操作风险
  • D. 市场风险
标记 纠错

物权是权利主体直接支配特定财产的权利,包括(  )。

  • A. 所有权
  • B. 用益物权
  • C. 担保物权
  • D. 债权
标记 纠错

2013年10月14号,国务院印发《关于促进健康服务业发展的若干意见》(以下简称《意见》)。《意见》明确,力争到2020年,基本建立(  )的健康服务业体系,健康服务业总规模达到8万亿元以上。

  • A. 覆盖全生命周期
  • B. 内涵丰富
  • C. 结构合理
  • D. 服务周到
标记 纠错

中国银行2013年所获得的荣誉有(  )。

  • A. 《贸易金融》杂志“中国最佳贸易融资银行”
  • B. 中国银行业协会“年度贸易金融”大奖
  • C. 《亚洲银行家》“中国最佳网络银行产品奖”
  • D. 《董事会》杂志“金圆桌”优秀董事会奖
标记 纠错

决定商品流通中货币需要量的因素有(  )。

  • A. 商品的流通范围
  • B. 待流通的商品数量
  • C. 商品的价格水平
  • D. 货币的流通速度
标记 纠错

存款货币银行的主要职能有(  )。

  • A. 支付中介
  • B. 信用中介
  • C. 信用创造
  • D. 宏观调控
标记 纠错

2013年11月12日,中国共产党第十八届中央委员会第三次全体会议通过《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》包括(  )。

  • A. 全面深化改革的重大意义和指导思想
  • B. 坚持和完善基本经济制度
  • C. 加快完善现代市场体系
  • D. 加快转变政府职能
标记 纠错

职能制组织形式的缺点包括(  )。

  • A. 适应性差
  • B. 横向协调差
  • C. 稳定性差
  • D. 领导负担重
标记 纠错

关于金融市场基本要素的说法,正确的有(  )。

  • A. 中央银行仅以管理者身份进入金融市场
  • B. 工商企业仅以筹资人身份进入金融市场
  • C. 金融市场的交易对象是货币资金
  • D. 货币资金的供求和金融工具的供求在方向上是相反的
标记 纠错

2013年11月29日,国内首只跨国并购基金在上海成立,它定位于打造中国企业出海平台,为企业境外投资并购提供商业化、市场化、专业化的投融资综合服务,运作模式体现(  )联动的“三个联动”特色,是国内金融服务的重大创新。

  • A. 境内外
  • B. 投贷
  • C. 基金运作与企业海外发展
  • D. 发行交易
标记 纠错

中国银行的核心价值观有(  )。

  • A. 追求卓越
  • B. 诚信
  • C. 绩效
  • D. 责任
标记 纠错

绝对购买力平价与相对购买力平价的关系是(  )。

  • A. 绝对购买力平价成立,相对购买力平价一定成立
  • B. 绝对购买力平价成立,相对购买力平价不一定成立
  • C. 相对购买力平价成立。相对购买力平价一定成立
  • D. 相对购买力平价成立,相对购买力评价不一定成立
标记 纠错

宏观经济调控体系由宏观经济调控的(  )组成。

  • A. 方式
  • B. 手段
  • C. 目标
  • D. 政策
标记 纠错

答题卡(剩余 道题)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225
226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250