

卷面总分:65分 答题时间:240分钟 试卷题量:65题 练习次数:93次
单选题 (共45题,共45分)

根据我国《商业银行资本充足率管理办法》,下列不属于附属资本的是( )。

  • A. 重估储备
  • B. 一般准备
  • C. 长期次级债务和优先股
  • D. 普通股
标记 纠错

2012年10月5日,中国银行新加坡分行获得( )。

  • A. 特准全面银行牌照
  • B. 最佳银行荣誉称号
  • C. 社会管理综合治理工作先进集体
  • D. 文明规范服务贡献奖
标记 纠错

按照监管部门不断降低市场交易成本、提高市场效率、减轻投资者负担的总体要求,A股证券交易经手费9月1日起下调( )。

  • A. 10%
  • B. 15%
  • C. 20%
  • D. 30%
标记 纠错

成本加运费价的英文缩写是( )。

  • A. CTR
  • B. CER
  • C. CNR
  • D. CFR
标记 纠错

贷款买房体现了货币的( )职能。

  • A. 交易媒介
  • B. 流通手段
  • C. 贮藏手段
  • D. 支付手段
标记 纠错

《亚洲银行家》杂志(The Asian Banker)"2012年度零售金融服务卓越大奖”评选结果揭晓,中国银行荣获( )奖项。

  • A. 中国最佳手机银行业务
  • B. 中国最佳分销渠道银行
  • C. 最佳客户关系管理银行
  • D. 中国最佳零售银行
标记 纠错

麦格雷戈归纳了基于对人性的不同看法而形成的两种理论,即XY理论,其中Y指的是( )。

  • A. 人天生不喜欢工作,只要可能,就会逃避工作
  • B. 人只要有可能就会逃避责任,安于现状
  • C. 大多数员工喜欢安逸,没有雄心壮志
  • D. 人并不是被动的,人的行为受动机支配,只要创造一定的条件,他们会视工作为一种得到满足的因素,就能主动把工作做好
标记 纠错

采取扩张性财政政策时,政府支出( ),税收( )。

  • A. 减少,增加
  • B. 增加,减少
  • C. 增加,增加
  • D. 减少,减少
标记 纠错

基尼系数是( )。

  • A. 居民消费指数
  • B. 收入产出比例
  • C. 收入分配差异
  • D. 支出产出份额
标记 纠错

实行紧缩性财政政策,那么该国货币( ),出口( ),进口( )。

  • A. 贬值,增加,减少
  • B. 升值,减少,增加
  • C. 升值,增加,减少
  • D. 贬值,减少,增加
标记 纠错

关于信用卡消费的特点,错误的是( )。

  • A. 循环信用额度
  • B. 一定要有资金用途
  • C. 一般有最低还款额要求
  • D. 不能用于通存通兑、代收代付、额度体现
标记 纠错

下列不属于银行业金融机构的是( )。

  • A. 中国银行
  • B. 民生银行
  • C. 中国人民银行
  • D. 中国进出口银行
标记 纠错

三沙市政府驻地所在的永兴岛属于( )群岛。

  • A. 西沙群岛
  • B. 南沙群岛
  • C. 中沙群岛
  • D. 钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿
标记 纠错

德尔菲法理论中,按照课题所需要的知识范围,确定专家。专家人数的多少,可根据预 测课题的大小和涉及面的宽窄而定,一般不超过( )。

  • A. 10 人
  • B. 15 人
  • C. 20 人
  • D. 25 人
标记 纠错

经过近10年的发展,当前我国城镇化率已经超过( )。

  • A. 50%
  • B. 40%
  • C. 30%
  • D. 20%
标记 纠错

著作权的保护期不受限制的是( )。

  • A. 发表权
  • B. 使用权
  • C. 署名权
  • D. 获得报酬权
标记 纠错

中行成功托管并主代销国内首支多币种募集QDII基金创新产品(美元和人民币同时募集)是( )。

  • A. 信诚全球商品基金
  • B. 华夏恒生指数ETF联接基金
  • C. 国泰大宗商品配置基金
  • D. 建信全球资源基金
标记 纠错

下列不属于总供给构成要素的是( )。

  • A. 净出口
  • B. 居民的消费
  • C. 居民的储蓄
  • D. 政府的税收
标记 纠错

马克思的利率决定论认为利息量的多少取决于利润总额,利息率取决于( )。

  • A. 财政政策
  • B. 汇率政策
  • C. 资金的供求状况
  • D. 平均润率
标记 纠错

商业银行的首要经营原则是( )。

  • A. 效益性
  • B. 安全性
  • C. 流动性
  • D. 自由性
标记 纠错

继2010年后中国银行继续被评选为( )。

  • A. 中国大学生商科最佳雇主
  • B. 中国大学生工科最佳雇主
  • C. 中国大学生管理科最佳雇主
  • D. 中国大学生法学科最佳雇主
标记 纠错

2012年9月交付的海洋科考船是( )。

  • A. 远洋号
  • B. 好奇号
  • C. 科学号
  • D. 蚊龙号
标记 纠错

关于要素计点法描述错误的是( )。

  • A. 要素记点法是最常用的一种职位评估方法
  • B. 要素计点法首先选择岗位变化
  • C. 要素记点法又称点数法
  • D. 要素计点法主要的缺点是操作过程较为复杂,而且提前要与员工进行充分的沟通,以对要素理解达成共识。
标记 纠错

中行的成立时间是( )。

  • A. 1948 年
  • B. 1954 年
  • C. 2006 年
  • D. 1912 年
标记 纠错

存款计息单位为( )。

  • A. 百元
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
标记 纠错

平均存款期限2. 5年,平均贷款期限2. 8年,则其收益与市场利率变化是( )。

  • A. 弱相关关系
  • B. 强相关关系
  • C. 负相关关系
  • D. 正相关关系
标记 纠错

某人买了第一台差异性很大的彩电,那么此人的购买行为属于( )。

  • A. 经常性购买
  • B. 选择性购买
  • C. 探究性购买
  • D. 多变型
标记 纠错

中国银行获得《欧洲货币》颁发的( )奖项,彰显了中国银行在直接融资市场的卓越实力。

  • A. 中国最佳债券承销商
  • B. 中国区最佳私人银行
  • C. 中国最佳贵金属交易银行
  • D. 中国最佳现金管理银行
标记 纠错

甲捡到了一只动物,然后到处找没找到主人,就拿回去养了,结果生了两只小崽,主人乙这个时候找上门了,甲向乙索要饲料费。问:甲可不可以继续养,甲可不可以索要饲料费?( )

  • A. 甲可以继续养,不得索要饲料费
  • B. 甲可以继续养,可以索要饲料费
  • C. 甲不可以继续养,不可以索要饲料费
  • D. 甲不可以继续养,可以索要饲料费
标记 纠错

活期存款结息问题,活期存款按季结息,按结息日挂牌活期利率计息,那么第二季度的结息日是?( )

  • A. 6月10日
  • B. 6月15日
  • C. 6月20日
  • D. 6月30日
标记 纠错


  • A. 阵地防御策略
  • B. 对抗定位策略
  • C. 非价格竞争策略
  • D. 迎头策略
标记 纠错

关于借款合同选择错误的一项是( )。

  • A. 在借款合同中,贷款人不得利用优势地位预先在本金中扣除利息。
  • B. 利息预先在本金中扣除的,按差额借款数额返还借款并计算利息。
  • C. 贷款人不得将借款人的营业秘密泄露于第三方,否则,应承担相应的法律责任。
  • D. 自然人之间的借款合同对支付利息没有约定或者约定不明确的,视为不支付利息。
标记 纠错

韩国政府一些部门搬至( )

  • A. 首尔
  • B. 世宗
  • C. 釜山
  • D. 大邱
标记 纠错

十八大报告提出:经济体制改革的核心问题是处理好( )的关系。

  • A. 市场与消费者
  • B. 政府与消费者
  • C. 政府和市场
  • D. 国内市场与国际市场
标记 纠错

十八大报告中首次提出“实现国内生产总值和( )比2010年翻一番”的新指标。

  • A. 城乡居民人均收入
  • B. 全体劳动者人均收入
  • C. 中小城市人均收入
  • D. 贫困家庭人均收入
标记 纠错

To:Rex Roeges,Customer Service Department Iroeges@books, com〉

From:Dave Palmer〈palmer@mail2. com

Re : Lost book

Dear Mr. Rex Roeges,

I am writing this e—mail concerning a book that I ordered through your company,The Computer Networks 4th edition,order number 20035. I placed the order last month and still have not received the book.

I visited your website and confirmed that my shipping information was correct,and that my credit card has been charged for the book; the website also indicates that the book was shipped using your “Global Carrier,,service the day after I ordered it. Considering that “Global Carrier” shipments typically take two weeks to arrive, I should have received my goods a week ago at the latest. However,my post office informed me they have neither received nor delivered the book. Can you let me know what is going on as soon as possible? Dave PalmerTo : Dave Palmer ^palmer@mail2. com

From : Rex Roeges Iroeges@books. com

Re;Lost book

Dear Mr. Palmer,

Thank you for contacting us. It is important to us that our customers are satisfied with our service,so I am very sorry to hear that you have not received your merchandise.

I looked up your order number and discovered that the book has not been sent out. I have rectified this mistake on our website and sent the book to you via express mail. It should arrive within two business days. With the book I have enclosed a coupon for half off your next order.

Again,I apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please contact me at 602 — 385 — 0256. or e—mail me at Croeges@noble, com〉.


Rex Roges, Customer Service Department Nobel Bookstore

Why did the customer send his e—mail?

  • A. To order new books from major publishers
  • B. To cancel an order of merchandise
  • C. To track down a missing item
  • D. To complain about a faulty product
标记 纠错

To:Rex Roeges,Customer Service Department Iroeges@books, com〉

From:Dave Palmer〈palmer@mail2. com

Re : Lost book

Dear Mr. Rex Roeges,

I am writing this e—mail concerning a book that I ordered through your company,The Computer Networks 4th edition,order number 20035. I placed the order last month and still have not received the book.

I visited your website and confirmed that my shipping information was correct,and that my credit card has been charged for the book; the website also indicates that the book was shipped using your “Global Carrier,,service the day after I ordered it. Considering that “Global Carrier” shipments typically take two weeks to arrive, I should have received my goods a week ago at the latest. However,my post office informed me they have neither received nor delivered the book. Can you let me know what is going on as soon as possible? Dave PalmerTo : Dave Palmer ^palmer@mail2. com

From : Rex Roeges Iroeges@books. com

Re;Lost book

Dear Mr. Palmer,

Thank you for contacting us. It is important to us that our customers are satisfied with our service,so I am very sorry to hear that you have not received your merchandise.

I looked up your order number and discovered that the book has not been sent out. I have rectified this mistake on our website and sent the book to you via express mail. It should arrive within two business days. With the book I have enclosed a coupon for half off your next order.

Again,I apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please contact me at 602 — 385 — 0256. or e—mail me at Croeges@noble, com〉.


Rex Roges, Customer Service Department Nobel Bookstore

What did the customer discover?

  • A. He has already paid for the order,
  • B. He was charged twice for the same product
  • C. The delivery company delivered the item to the wrong address
  • D. The book is out of print and no longer available
标记 纠错

To:Rex Roeges,Customer Service Department Iroeges@books, com〉

From:Dave Palmer〈palmer@mail2. com

Re : Lost book

Dear Mr. Rex Roeges,

I am writing this e—mail concerning a book that I ordered through your company,The Computer Networks 4th edition,order number 20035. I placed the order last month and still have not received the book.

I visited your website and confirmed that my shipping information was correct,and that my credit card has been charged for the book; the website also indicates that the book was shipped using your “Global Carrier,,service the day after I ordered it. Considering that “Global Carrier” shipments typically take two weeks to arrive, I should have received my goods a week ago at the latest. However,my post office informed me they have neither received nor delivered the book. Can you let me know what is going on as soon as possible? Dave PalmerTo : Dave Palmer ^palmer@mail2. com

From : Rex Roeges Iroeges@books. com

Re;Lost book

Dear Mr. Palmer,

Thank you for contacting us. It is important to us that our customers are satisfied with our service,so I am very sorry to hear that you have not received your merchandise.

I looked up your order number and discovered that the book has not been sent out. I have rectified this mistake on our website and sent the book to you via express mail. It should arrive within two business days. With the book I have enclosed a coupon for half off your next order.

Again,I apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please contact me at 602 — 385 — 0256. or e—mail me at Croeges@noble, com〉.


Rex Roges, Customer Service Department Nobel Bookstore

What error did the website contain?

  • A. The order number was wrong
  • B. Mr. Palmer’s address was incomplete
  • C. The price list was outdated
  • D. It indicated the item had been shipped
标记 纠错

To:Rex Roeges,Customer Service Department Iroeges@books, com〉

From:Dave Palmer〈palmer@mail2. com

Re : Lost book

Dear Mr. Rex Roeges,

I am writing this e—mail concerning a book that I ordered through your company,The Computer Networks 4th edition,order number 20035. I placed the order last month and still have not received the book.

I visited your website and confirmed that my shipping information was correct,and that my credit card has been charged for the book; the website also indicates that the book was shipped using your “Global Carrier,,service the day after I ordered it. Considering that “Global Carrier” shipments typically take two weeks to arrive, I should have received my goods a week ago at the latest. However,my post office informed me they have neither received nor delivered the book. Can you let me know what is going on as soon as possible? Dave PalmerTo : Dave Palmer ^palmer@mail2. com

From : Rex Roeges Iroeges@books. com

Re;Lost book

Dear Mr. Palmer,

Thank you for contacting us. It is important to us that our customers are satisfied with our service,so I am very sorry to hear that you have not received your merchandise.

I looked up your order number and discovered that the book has not been sent out. I have rectified this mistake on our website and sent the book to you via express mail. It should arrive within two business days. With the book I have enclosed a coupon for half off your next order.

Again,I apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please contact me at 602 — 385 — 0256. or e—mail me at Croeges@noble, com〉.


Rex Roges, Customer Service Department Nobel Bookstore

How did the company attempt to compensate the customer?

  • A. It sent him a complimentary book
  • B. It gave him a voucher for a 50 % discount
  • C. It removed the charge from his credit card
  • D. It gave him the book for half off
标记 纠错

To:Rex Roeges,Customer Service Department Iroeges@books, com〉

From:Dave Palmer〈palmer@mail2. com

Re : Lost book

Dear Mr. Rex Roeges,

I am writing this e—mail concerning a book that I ordered through your company,The Computer Networks 4th edition,order number 20035. I placed the order last month and still have not received the book.

I visited your website and confirmed that my shipping information was correct,and that my credit card has been charged for the book; the website also indicates that the book was shipped using your “Global Carrier,,service the day after I ordered it. Considering that “Global Carrier” shipments typically take two weeks to arrive, I should have received my goods a week ago at the latest. However,my post office informed me they have neither received nor delivered the book. Can you let me know what is going on as soon as possible? Dave PalmerTo : Dave Palmer ^palmer@mail2. com

From : Rex Roeges Iroeges@books. com

Re;Lost book

Dear Mr. Palmer,

Thank you for contacting us. It is important to us that our customers are satisfied with our service,so I am very sorry to hear that you have not received your merchandise.

I looked up your order number and discovered that the book has not been sent out. I have rectified this mistake on our website and sent the book to you via express mail. It should arrive within two business days. With the book I have enclosed a coupon for half off your next order.

Again,I apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please contact me at 602 — 385 — 0256. or e—mail me at Croeges@noble, com〉.


Rex Roges, Customer Service Department Nobel Bookstore

Which of the following statament true?

  • A. The company sends all orders by express mail
  • B. “Global Career” shipping is the cheapest service available
  • C. Mr. Palmer placed his order three weeks ago
  • D. The cost of delivery was included in the book's price
标记 纠错



Why has the statament been submitted?

  • A. To make air and hotel reservations
  • B. To request repayment for travel costs
  • C. To dispute a credit card charge
  • D. To obtain authorization to stay in hotel
标记 纠错



Which expenditure went over the company limit?

  • A. Food and drink
  • B. Transportation
  • C. Accommodations
  • D. Parking
标记 纠错



How long did Mr. Dave Lincoln stay at the hotel?

  • A. Two nights
  • B. Three nights
  • C. Four nights
  • D. Six nights
标记 纠错



What accompanies the memo?

  • A. Various travel receipts
  • B. An employee’s paycheck
  • C. An income tax certificate
  • D. A document for additional repayment
标记 纠错



What can be inferred about Mr. Dave Lincoln’s trip?

  • A. He drove his own automobile
  • B. He stayed at numerous hotels
  • C. He stayed longer than he needed to be
  • D. He went to attend a convention
标记 纠错
多选题 (共20题,共20分)

下列属于中行信用卡的是( )。

  • A. 长城公务卡
  • B. 中银都市缤纷卡
  • C. 中银携程信用卡
  • D. 中银信用卡
标记 纠错

要素禀赋论是经济学家( )提出来的。

  • A. 赫克歇尔
  • B. 林德白克
  • C. 林德尔 D伯蒂尔·奥林
标记 纠错

巴塞尔协议作为一个完整的银行业资本充足率监管框架,其支柱是( )。

  • A. 最低资本金要求
  • B. 监管当局的监管
  • C. 引入市场约束
  • D. 控制通货膨胀率
标记 纠错

关于中行社会责任和慈善活动,中国银行荣获( )奖项。

  • A. 最具社会责任感品牌
  • B. 最具社会责任金融机构奖
  • C. 社会责任最佳公益慈善贡献奖
  • D. 最具慈善行动力品牌
标记 纠错

下列属于准公共产品的是( )。

  • A. 移动通信
  • B. 银行
  • C. 政府兴建的公园
  • D. 教育
标记 纠错

2013 —2014年度的非常任理事国有( )。

  • A. 日本
  • B. 阿根廷
  • C. 澳大利亚
  • D. 韩国
标记 纠错

下列属于双激励法中的保健因素的是( )。

  • A. 政策和管理
  • B. 技术监督
  • C. 工作条件
  • D. 成就和责任
标记 纠错

关于推拉营销模式中的拉式营销的方法有( )。

  • A. 进行广告宣传
  • B. 实行代销、试销
  • C. 利用创名牌、树信誉,增强用户的信任感
  • D. 推销人员带样品盒说明书走访顾客
标记 纠错

合同的书面形式包括( )。

  • A. 合同书
  • B. 信件
  • C. 传真
  • D. 电子邮件
标记 纠错

东盟海上治理议题有( )。

  • A. 当前形势下的联合国海洋法公约
  • B. 海上互联互通和能力建设
  • C. 保护东亚地区海洋环境和促进生态旅游、渔业管理
  • D. 南海争议问题
标记 纠错

李斯特幼稚产业保护理论的内容( )。

  • A. 经济发展阶段论
  • B. 生产力论
  • C. 国家干预论
  • D. 关税保护制度
标记 纠错

政策性银行与商业银行的共同点有( )。

  • A. 充当信用中介的金融机构
  • B. 是资金活动的中枢神经
  • C. 以营利为主要目的
  • D. 资金来源于政府支持
标记 纠错

关于莫言的作品,下列表述正确的有( )。

  • A. 《红高粱家族》夺得“大家文学奖”
  • B. 《红高粱》拍过电影
  • C. 《丰乳肥臀》获亚洲周刊选为20世纪中文小说100强
  • D. 《蛙》获得过茅盾文学奖
标记 纠错

公共财政的特征( )。

  • A. 公共性
  • B. 非盈利性
  • C. 强制性
  • D. 法制性
标记 纠错

寡头垄断市场的条件为( )。

  • A. 产品同质或异质
  • B. 市场进出不易
  • C. 互无依赖性
  • D. 规模企业众多
标记 纠错

关于CIF术语( )。

  • A. 是否包含保险费
  • B. 是否包含运费
  • C. 是否包含租船订舱
  • D. 是否包含信用支付额度
标记 纠错

下列属于核心资本扣除项的是( )。

  • A. 商誉
  • B. 商业银行对非自用不动产和企业资本投资的50%
  • C. 核心资本的所有者必然要求享有的垄断利润
  • D. 商业银行对未并表金融机构资本投资的50%
标记 纠错

关于Word操作的表述,下列选项正确的有( )。

  • A. Word中为表格设置边框可以在“边框和底纹”对话框中进行
  • B. 如果Word没有显示“标尺”,可以单击“插入”→“标尺”菜单命令来显示
  • C. 使用格式刷工具可以复制字符和段落的格式
  • D. 如果Word没有显示“标尺”,可以单击“视图"→"标尺”菜单命令来显示
标记 纠错

党的十八大提出了中国民主政治的前进方向是( )。

  • A. 更加注重改进党的领导方式和执政方式
  • B. 更加注重健全民主制度、丰富民主形式
  • C. 更加注重发挥法治在国家治理和社会管理中的重要作用
  • D. 更加注重马克思主义中国化
标记 纠错

社会公平保障体系的主要内容包括( )。

  • A. 权利公平
  • B. 机会公平
  • C. 规则公平
  • D. 收入公平
标记 纠错

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